I'm Sick From Loving You

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Something different for today. I've always made BTSxJin but how about JinxBTS?

Was he greedy?


Jin, a visual god. Praised by the general public for his godly looks. He could be friend anyone. Could make anyone fall in love with him.

Except his fellow members who he has crush on.

Six guys, whew. You're on a roll Seokjin.

He mentally face palm himself for finding out that he likes his fellow members.

And not just one but all six of them.

Each of them made his heart spark something inside, he didn't even know he likes guys.

Like how Jungkook made him feel like he's the youngest of his family again. Taehyung made him feel respected and looked up to, Jimin made his feel so spoiled with love.

Namjoon got him interested about life and taught him about things, Hoseok taught him to be more hardworking in everything he do, and Yoongi made him have hope into everything and never give up.

They all taught him something in life. They all made him to what he is today. He's so grateful for that.

But sometimes he hate himself for liking them more than brothers, it even made it worse that he likes all six of them.

But this is life and he needs to suck it up, and know that none of them are in love nor gay for him to date them.

Now he needs to keep his cool and make sure none of them finds out.

But thats easier said then done sadly.


Dance practice would be a piece of cake for him. Sure he'll be there with the others covered in sweat but he's glad that he isn't interested in them like that.

Plus what could be worse than having a cold while you work your exhausted body with the guys you like?

Now he can handle talking to them. One-on-one talking, but it becomes hard to talk to them if their all in the same room.

Seeing all their faces in one glance made it hard to breath. He started to try and calm himself but that didn't work.

"So any plans after practice?" Jimin asked as he drinks from his bottle.



"Well how about we grab some food and eat together after?" A long day of practicing for how many hours just to eat? Hell yes.

"How about we just order take out and eat in our dorm?" Yoongi suggest and they all nodded.

They all chatted with one another on what to order, but Jin kept silent and watched them.

They all look so adorable when they laugh and smile, his chest started to hurt by how so cute they were.

"Hyung you've been weirdly quiet lately. Also, your moves became a bit sloppy today. Are you sick or something?" Hoseok worriedly place his hand on his forehead which caught Jin by surprise and tense up.

"Hoseok! You scared me!" his face turned red from how close he was with his hand on his forehead. He was heating up.

"Is hyung okay?" Jungkook came towards them, the rapper removed his hand from Jin and shook his head.

"He has a fever",

"What! Hyung has a fever!?" Jimin stopped talking to Namjoon and ran towards the eldest for a hug "Hyung! I thought you were taking good care of yourself!",

The small man buried his head in Jin's chest as he gave a tight hug. This made his heart beat fast.  Jin hugged him back from how much he cares for him, he felt loved.

Few seconds later Jungkook and Taehyung joined in the hug and it made it hard to control himself.



He wanted to hide by how close they were. Yeah they did have skinship before but he can't handle it well.

Jin looked like he wanted to disappear but he also wanted to stay at the same time. He feels so giddy and embarrassed by this.

They all let go, which made Jin a bit upset until Namjoon came in and wrapped his arms around him, Namjoon's head buried in him.

"Hyung! You shouldn't have came to practice today! You should have rest today!" the leader scolded the eldest as he looked at him stare in the eye, but Jin just laughs, until he saw how worried the leader was.

"Sorry Joon, I didn't wanted to be left behind the choreo. Don't want the group to be slow because of me",

Their expression dropped. Jin wonders why. He knew he was weak in dancing so isn't it a punishment to work harder in dancing even if your sick?


Yoongi crossed his arms as he looked irritated by Jin's reply.

"Your health is more important than the dance! Don't you ever think like that! Jin, the team needs you to be healthy for the fans and our's sake",

They nodded and started to chat about ending the practice now to take care of Jin.

It touch his heart that they all agreed with Yoongi and started to pack up to call it a day.

"Hyung lets go, wanna order something on the way home?",

"Hmmm I don't know, maybe some seafood, chicken, sushi, and-",

"Can't believe you still eat so much even when your sick. You're getting soup and some medicines for now",

He laughs as they exited the studio. Maybe it's not so bad to like them all at once.


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