Stop Flirting

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They were all in love with their hyung. It wasnt a surprise really.

Seokjin, the visuals of the group, someone who went through a hard time learning how to sing and dance while juggling with his school work.

The members respect him very much. Even if he acts like a child from time to time it was alright. His contagious laugh and big heart made him forgivable.

There was one time, when they were invited for a wedding of one of the biggest idols in Korea.

When the bride threw the bouquet to the crowd of screaming young ladies. Seokjin, unluckily was near them while refilling his plate in the buffet table.

A sudden scream came upon the poor man as he was at his fifth plate of medium rare steak.

"Seokjin-ah! You caught it!",

The bouquet landed on his plate of steaks, the group of young ladies was about to gather around him to fight for the flowers, but the bride told him he told keep it.

With the sighs of disappointed ladies, Seokjin lighten theirs moods up with his famous puns.

"Flower you today ladies? Because you all look like beautiful bouquets of the finest roses in the world" a loud squeal came from them as they gush over how cute and gentleman like Seokjin is.

"Psst look at them" The second eldest said as the six of the members stare at a crowd of girls Seokjin attracted.

"Giving out their hearts for our hyung like that. Such disrespect, they only like him by his looks" Jungkook commented and him and Taehyung high-fived agreeing.

They were all filled with jealousy as if they wanted to be in their place.

The 6 members silently gaze at their eldest as he flirt with the giddy young ladies, now Seokjin is the type to just bark and not bite.

In short he's the type to just flirt uncontrollably with anyone until someone flirts back. Thats when he gets all fluster and shy, it's adorable actually and only the members knew about this (yes in the early years Seokjin did flirted with them as a joke and they took it seriously and did the same)

A young woman, who looks as if she is only 20 years old, bowed at him and he bowed back. She stared at him longingly and started chatting with him when the other ladies were starting to go away.

The members stare at disbelief and anger as she made their hyung into a flustered mess that made their hyung cover his mouth as he laughed shyly.

The lady went up to his ear and whispered something. The others didn't know what is was but it made their hyung very embarrass as his face was now a dark shade of red, they kept eyeing the two.

The leader stood up and went towards them, following the rest of the members to save their very flustered hyung.

"Hello! I'm Kim Namjoon from BTS! Nice to meet you!" he bowed and the young lady bowed back quickly since he came towards them suddenly.

The six members came to the aid of their now very red faced hyung. Who is now hugging the maknae line out of embarrassment.

"Nice to meet I'm Sahn Ha-eun actress of a few drama movies and series, I'm sorry I didn't see you! It's my first time to come to these type of events!",

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