Chapter 28

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Tyrion was the first one to make a move. He stood up and walked in the middle. Cersei, Jon Snow, and Zyta's side could see him perfectly.

"Now the reason..."

Tyrion was cut off by Euron Greyjoy, "Theon I have your sister. Surrender to me and I won't kill her."

Zyta looked at Theon and could tell he was shocked that his uncle would even bring it up right now. "Don't you think we should start with bigger matters? Now," Tyrion said in a confused voice. Before he can start again, Euron cut him off again.

"That's funny coming from the littlest man here." Euron walked up to Tyrion and got in his face.

Zyta was getting angry, "oh sit the fuck down. There is bigger matters to discuss then you killing your niece." Zyta said. She nodded her head to Sandor to go get the white walker. Sandor nodded his head once and started off to go get the box. Zyta stood up and walked to stand beside her uncle when Euron started again.

"And who might you be? Never saw you before." Euron said. He took a step towards Zyta and before he could take another, two Dothraki men were ordered by Daenerys in a language that Zyta once tried to learn. The guards pulled out their weapons and started to walk towards Euron.

"I suggest you sit down before you die. I don't give a fuck what you have to say or who you threaten to kill and have held captive." When Euron didn't sit down, Zyta repeated herself, "Sit down before you get killed." Zyta said. Her eyes never left his. Euron smirked and spit at her shoes.

"Sit down or leave! I will not have you treat my niece that way." Jaime said standing up, his hand on his sword. Zyta looked at her uncle and smiled softly.

"Sit Euron before I have Ser Gregor escort you away." Cersei commanded. The Mountain took a step forward and pulled out his sword a little.

Euron looked at Zyta and then at Cersei. Zyta could tell that he finally got who she was. Euron walked over to his seat and sat down.

"Now, I know this is not a good time to meet. We all lost people because of this feud. Some more than others," Zyta was looking at her mother the whole time. "The North is fighting there own war, the great war. If we all don't come together and defeat the threat in the North, they'll be no kingdoms to rule. In the end we would just be another person in the army of the dead."

Zyta heard footsteps and looked behind her shoulder to see Sandor carrying the box with the white walker. He knelt down and placed the box down. Tyrion grabbed Zyta's hand and the two of them sat down.

"You did good." Tyrion whispered to Zyta.

Zyta nodded her head in a thank you and watched Sandor open the box and kick it. Out came the white walker. Zyta never saw it before right then, and she tried to keep her composure. As it ran to her mother Zyta yelled, "Sandor stop it! Stop it!" She was standing up, Tyrion held on to her arm so she wouldn't do something stupid.

Sandor pulled its chain before it could touch Cersei. Cersei stared at her daughter. Zytas hand was protectively on her stomach now that it was closer towards her, just like how Cersei's hand was on hers. Cersei turned her eyes to the Hound and saw him cut the white walker in two pieces, its two halves still moving and screeching. Sandor cut off the hand to the white walker. Maester Qyburn got up and walked over to the hand. He picked it up and turned it every which way, confusion clear on his face. Cersei could tell that the failed maester had no idea what it was.

Jon Snow finally got up and walked to face Cersei. "Now, white walkers can be killed with fire." Qyburn handed Snow the hand and Jon put fire to it. "And they can be killed by Dragon Glass." Cersei watched as Jon plunged the white walker in the stomach with the knife made of Dragon Glass and it finally stopped moving.

Cersei had no idea what to say, she was scared but she refused to let anyone see it. But when Cersei meet her daughters eyes, she knew that Zyta knew how scared she was. Zyta always could tell Cersei's emotions.

"I didn't believe it at first. But I saw them and they are real." Daenerys said. Cersei locked eyes with the Dragon queen.

"How many?" Jaime asked

"At least 100,000." Daenerys answered.

"There are a million people in Kings Landing, and if these things aren't dealt with, they'll be a million more people to fight in the Night Kings army. By the time that the Night King gets to Kings Landing, it'll have another million in his army if the North doesn't stop them." Zyta said. Sandor came over to her and moved behind her chair. He looked at Cersei and then at his brother, oh how he wanted to kill them both.

Zyta listened the the conversations that where going back and forth. She didn't put her input into anymore ideas because she felt like it wasn't her place. However her mother thought otherwise.

"I will pull back my troops and send them to the North. Only if Ned Starks son and my daughter bend the knee to me and don't pick sides when this is said and done." Cersei stated. She looked Jon Snow in the eyes and then at Zyta.

It was Jon Snow that spoke first, "I try to be honorable like my father, I really do. And because of the honor that I have I can't serve two queens. I already bent the knee to Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen." Jon Snow stated.

Cersei stood up and patted down her dress. She didn't even want to hear what Zyta had to say. "Then we have nothing left to discuss. Have fun fighting those things by yourself." With one final glare at her Imp brother and her disowned daughter, she took off back to the castle.

Zyta noticed a tall blonde hair woman go and talk to Jaime. Zyta also noticed Tyrion and Jon talking. "I have to go talk to her." Zyta said looking up at Sandor.

"And get killed? No the fuck you aren't." Sandor replied.

"Cersei needs to help us. Its the only way that Jon will win."

"Who's going to train all of the Lannister army? Who's going to train all the green boys when they come to the North and die!" Sandor's raised voice made people look at the two.

Zyta stood up and patted down her dress and fixed her cloak. "I am going to go speak with my mother. If I get killed, um... cause hell." She started walking to the stone steps, Sandor following her. But he knew that she wouldn't listen. He knew that she needed to talk to her mother by herself.

"Zyta!" Sandor yelled after her. Zyta turned and looked at him. She was down to the last step. "Be careful."

"I always am."

While she was walking away she could of sworn she heard,

I love you Little Flower

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