Part 10 - May 8th

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I walked back in to the café, expecting to see Yoongi, but he was no where in sight. I walked up to the counter.

"Um, the man I was sitting with, do you know where he is?" I asked the woman at the counter.

"I'm not sure. He just paid. I think he left, but I cannot be sure," she replied.

"Oh. Okay."

No, he paid and teleported.

Of course he left!

I sighed and walked back outside. I strolled around a bit, taking in the sights of the small road. After fifteen minutes or so, I walked over to the nearest bus stop and waited. Finally, the bus arrived.

"To Downtown," I told the driver. She nodded, her eyes drowsy.

I walked to the end of the bus, only to find that there was no vacant seat. I went up a few rows and sat down next to a young woman. She looked about my age, with flowing auburn hair and clear blue eyes.

"Hi," she said, cheerfully.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Are you from around here?" she asked, putting down a book. I noticed her accent.


"No, I'm visiting. I'm from New York."

"Oh really?" she said. "I'm from London. I'm here with a few of my friends, but they seemed to have ditched me."

"Oh." I said, unsure how to reply.

"By the way, my name is Valerie," she said, extending her hand.

"I'm Emilienne," I said, taking her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Downtown Los Angeles!" The driver said in hoarse voice. I headed down the aisle.

It seemed I was the only one.

Ooh, rebel.

I turned around as I got off the bus. Valerie was behind me.

"Oh, are you going to Downtown as well?" I asked her.


By some unspoken agreement, the two of us spent the day together, learning about things we did not know.

We had nothing in common.

Well, opposites attract, right?


As we were walking, Valerie pointed to someone and asked, "Is it just me, or does that guy look strange?"

I followed her finger and my eyes grew wide.

It couldn't be.

I shook my head and looked again.

It was definitely him.

It was Yoongi.

"Um, I-I'll be right back," I told Valerie.

I had to apologize to him.

I ran over to Yoongi, but two men who were standing beside him stopped me.

"Sorry, but you cannot go any farther," one of them said. His voice was as cold as ice.

Yoongi glanced at me and said something in Korean to his friends. They moved aside.

"Hi Emilienne," Yoongi said, mispronouncing my name a bit.

"Hi Yoongi," I replied. "I am sorry for blaming you this morning."

Yoongi smiled at me. "It is okay."

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