Chapter Twenty Five

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Taehyung's POV

After the doctor took my blood, I went back out to the waiting room.

I finally calmed down and wasn't crying anymore, thankfully.

Then, we all were just sitting in silence until the doctor came into the waiting room.

Yoongi immediately stands up and jogs up to him, greeting him.

Yoongi's POV

"Hey, can we go in and visit her now?" I ask the doctor as he walks in.

"Yes, but only one person at a time." He says as we both walk to the guys.

"You guys can visit now but only one at a time, sorry." He says.

"Yoongi, go first." Jin hyung says.

I nod and then go into her room.

She is sitting there looking around, confused.

"Yoongi!" She says.

"Hey, Junie! I was so worried. Are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah, my head hurts a little though." She chuckles. "What happened? Why am I here?"

"Wait... You don't remember what happened?" I asked, slightly worried about the fact she can't remember something. I really hope she doesn't have amnesia...

"No..." She shakes her head softly and slowly.

"Well... You got hit by a car..." I say.

"Oh..." She says with widened eyes.

"Do you need anything?" I ask.

She shakes her head, no.

"Okay, well everyone else wants to see you too so I'll go now." I say.

"Wait." She says before I walk away. "Can I have a hug first?"

"Yeah." I say and walk over and softly give her a hug.

She smiles and I leave.

I walk back to the waiting room.

"Hey guys. Whoever is going next can go now." I say.

Then, Taehyung stands up and walks to the room.

Taehyung's POV

I walked into the room.

"Hey, Junie! Are you feeling any better?" I ask.

She then looks up at me with furrowed brows.

Why is she looking at me like that...

"Um... Sorry... But... Who... Who are you?" She asks hesitantly.

"Wait... You... You don't remember me?" I ask, struggling to keep my voice from cracking.

"No... Should I?" She looks worried.

"No... I'm no one important..." I say.

"I hope you feel better Junie." I turn around, a single tear falling even though I tried to keep it from escaping.

I then walk out of the room, closing the door in the process and lean against the cold block of wood.

"She doesn't remember me..." I whisper as tears come down more violently and fast.

I then walk to the waiting room, tears blurring my vision.

I reach my destination and everyone looks at me with what seems to be worried expressions.

Then Yoongi hyung stands up and grabs my wrist and starts pulling me.

I don't do anything to stop him as I just follow with my head down.

We finally reach where Yoongi wanted to go as he stops and I look up to be met with Yoongi's gaze.

"What happened in there? Why were you crying?" He asks softly.

"She..." I gulp. "She doesn't remember me..."

"Wait... What?" His voice gets a little more scared.

"I walked in and asked if she was feeling better and she asked me who I was... She doesn't... She doesn't remember me." My voice cracks on the last four words that left my mouth and I look down.

"Do you..." Yoongi starts to have me look up to him. "Do you, perhaps, like her?"

"Obviously I like he-" I start to be cut off.

"I mean... like her like her." He says.

"Um... I... I don't know." I say slowly.

Do I?

"How did you feel when you saw what happened?" He asks.

"I... I felt that my world had stopped. And... And I had to get to her as fast as I could..." I say truthfully.

"How did you feel when she asked who you were?" He asks again.

"I... I felt..." I began, searching for the word that would describe the horrible feeling that ensued inside of me when she asked that horrid question.

"I felt... Heartbroken." I finally found a word that would explain just a small part of the feelings that I felt.

"Then... I think you love her." He says.

"Are you... are you mad?" I ask.

"Why? Why would I be mad?" His brows furrow.

"Well... She... Ugh... She told me your past with that a**hole in Daegu and how you don't really trust guys now..." I confess.

He just chuckles.

"You're so stupid."

"What?" I ask, thoroughly confused.

"You're a good guy other than that jerk. I... I trust you." He tightly squeezes his eyes shut when he says his last sentence.

"But..." I started to break down again.

"But y-you asked m-me t-to help you t-take care of J-Junie... A-and what happened w-was right outside of m-my house. I could have s-stopped it."

He then pulls me into a "bro-hug" to stop my crying.

"It's not you fault Tae... If anyone... If anyone it's my fault for letting her walk alone."

"N-no! I could've stopped it!" I yell, getting mad at myself.

"Calm down Tae. There was nothing we could've done. And as upset as I am at the event, we can't do anything to stop it and scolding yourself isn't going to help anyone." Yoongi says.

"I can't calm down!" I say.

Yoongi's POV

"I can't calm down!" He says before his body falls to the ground while he sits on his knees, head in his palms as he starts to cry again.

"Tae... Calm down..."

"Do you know how it feels for the person you love to not even know who you are!?" He yells.

"N-no... But-" I begin.

"Then you can't tell me to calm down! I- I love her and she doesn't even remember me..." His voice gets softer.

"It's okay Tae... She will remember you eventually." I say.

"I hope so..." He says as he stands up again.

A/N: sorry for not updating....

I was being lazy...

Anyway... I know it's really cliché but I suck at writing anyway so I guess it's fine🙃

Until next time...✌

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