Chapter 19: Puissance

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"Welcome Vans," I started as I type in the code for this certain room. "to your first training session with us," The metal doors swung open and the people I expected to see were there. "the Night Reaperz."

Jennifer, Takahiro, Lorraine, Sarah and Terry looked up as we entered. "Well most of us, the other two are still hospitalised and those 3 are temporary." I point at the family. "You already know me, 2bullet and Double-O-Nine. They don't have code names but they work at the British branch. So, same work." I shrug.

''I'm gonna divide you guys so that you can train with your new weapons properly," I stress out the last word. "Jack is with Double-O-Nine and 2bullet. They'll teach you how to handle your guns and O-Nine is a double gun user as well so that benefits you." I point Jack the direction he needed to go which was towards them.

"Jacob goes with the father and daughter of that family, they know how to target." I jerk my thumb towards their direction and Jacob heads over. James is already scowling, knowing what's coming. "I'm stuck with you?" He groans. "No one else here uses blades." I argue back and he shuts up, knowing there's no denying that fact. "Besides, you haven't picked one out yet." I walk out of the room and he follows, "So you're stuck with me in the meantime."

He turns his head so fast he could've gotten whiplash. "What?!" I turn to him, "What do you mean what? This arrangement is final." He clicks his tongue in annoyance and I raise my brow, "Nothing." He answers. "Anyway, you can trust me when I say I don't like the tedious work." I walk down the hall, going back to the office room that we used to use before we got our own built at home. Ed left it the way it is, nothing was touched or moved. "That I can agree on." He replies to my comment.

"But I did wanted to clear up some things today while your brothers trained." I type in the code and scanned my handprint for the door to open. "You just said you didn't like tedious work, should I stop trying to trust you now?" James enquires. "Nice to see you finally try and put some trust in me but sometimes even when you don't like it, you have to do it. It's called responsibility, something you and your brothers understand very well. Just not in the same terms as us, similar, not same." I walk over and sat down in my old office chair.

"You'll die." I say as James almost takes a seat on Jennifer's chair. "She doesn't like to share her belongings casually." I stare at the old computer as James walks around to my table and leans himself on the edge. "What am I going to do for a blade?" He breaks the silence. "For now, I'll have you use one of mine. Break it and I break you." No reply, he's obviously bothered but by what? Oh yes, me. "Don't want it?" I tease, kicking my legs up on the table. I take out a tablet from the drawer and looked through the weaponry. Yes, I have a tablet just for keeping weapon records, sue me.

"I just want my own, like my brothers." He mumbled the other half but I definitely heard it. "Everybody starts somewhere," I put my legs down and against the table, giving myself a push towards the doorway, "your brothers happened to start with Geremy," the chair swerves to a wall and I jump off seconds before it collided. "you happen to start with me." Colourful vocabulary escapes his mouth which I couldn't help but smirk at. "C'mon, I have places to be."


"...and this is your barrel." I look at Jack and he nods his head. We were sitting on the floor as it was easier to lay the gun parts out due to the large space. I rest my elbow on my lap and place my chin in my hand, I observed his features. He had bright green eyes and straight black hair that parts at a side. His fringe was long enough to cover his eyes, I have noticed how he constantly flips it to the side. He noticed me staring and immediately looked away when we made eye contact. He's a shy one, I couldn't help but feel amused.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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