Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here

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I breath a sigh of relief as I ran behind the wall. We almost ran out of time. We look at Iris for our next move. She signals the 3 of us to check the hallway on our side whilst the 2 of them check their side. "Let's try the storage room." Tricia suggests. I then noticed we were right next to a wooden door with the gold words 'Storage' engraved on it. "How fancy does a storage room even need be?" I ask sarcastically, not expecting an answer.

Takahiro picks the lock and the door swings inward. We quietly crept in and Tricia flashes a torch. It looked like any other janitor closet except bigger. We then noticed the mop and bucket were gone, hopefully Ranger took them. Suddenly we heard a muffled voice and Tricia slowly shined the torch in every corner of the room. Ranger was behind a shelf and tied up. If it wasn't for the light, nobody would've seen him. He looks at us with wide eyes.

I quickly shut the door silently whilst Takahiro and Tricia moved the shelf away. I pull Ranger out of the corner, onto the center of the floor and cut his silencer. He starts to gasp for air. "What happened?" Takahiro demands, grabbing Ranger's collar and lifting his upper body off the floor. When things don't go according to Takahiro's plan, so does his mood. Ranger pales and tries to start talking but he is interrupted by his own coughs. Takahiro clicks his tongue in annoyance and drops him to the floor.

When he was done he started to speak with pants between every few words, "Entered storage, knocked out, little b-" There was suddenly a scream and the 3 of us rush out towards the room after the corner, our weapons at bay as we neared the corner.


We approached fast and was absolutely silent. We reached the corner and I hold my hand out to stop Jennifer. I hear for a sound or even a creak, nothing. I give a nod to Jennifer and we quickly turned the corner.

A scream fills our ears and we, out of reflex, attacked. A boy that looks our age falls over and slams against a wall. I point Shiro at him whilst Jennifer pointed Kuroo. Suddenly, Katherine and the other appeared, "Freeze!" When we notice it's her and she in return, "Oh wait it's you guys, what happened?" Katherine and the others approached. "Ask this guy, we were around the corner when he screamed at us. In a girly way too." Jennifer retorts as the guy sat up and rubbed his head.

"Ahh." He hisses in pain. "You know when he said dangerous I did not expect ying yang girls." Jennifer shoots the wall beside his head, leaving a hole in it. "Who is he?" She demands, voice dripping with venom and her evil eye glared deeper. He flinched as he tries to find his words. "Look I'm just a janitor, just doing my job, just trying to earn some m-" He explains but was interrupted by Ranger. "Money?" His face was contorted in amusement and anger. He was panting heavily and his knuckles were white. "Did you run here?" Katherine looks him up and down. "Obviously, because 3 little people couldn't bother to untie and wait for me." He scoffs. When the boy hears that he tries to stifle a laugh. "Do you two know each other?" Tricia asks the both of them. They look at each other before turning the other way, "Brothers." They grumble as they answer at the same time.

"You know, for a janitor you have a very interesting cleaning utensil." I held up his double scythes. "Not that I'm complaining as long as you don't steal our jobs." I drop it to the floor and the chain drops with a metallic clang. "You were never a master of disguise." Ranger squats in front of the boy. "Only I could pull it off." He smirks. "Why? Cause you're trash?" The boy says in annoyance.

"Okay! Hold up! Cut!" I separate the two of them. "Family Time is over, Ranger I'm not gonna pay you if you're not doing your job. And yo-" Takahiro raises his hand, "Already docked his pay." I glance at him in annoyance for interrupting me. "And you," I restarted, "Tell us your name." He scoffs and stands up, sweeping his pants. "Why should I?" I snap my fingers and Jennifer in a flash had her right foot kicked up on the wall, which yes she dented, right next to his stomach.

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