Chapter 15 I want to...Unrinate

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Xiao's Yan's imagination ran wild with the most horrific scenarios until he started trembling. It was then that he realized that Heine was using a medicinal injection gun on him.

Probably electrolytes, or a peptide to boost his immune system. Xiao Yan didn't care, he finally collapsed into a deep sleep.

Later that night, Xiao slowly stirred awake. He turned to the side, Heine was sitting beside the bed, holding his arm; his body leaning onto the bed to sleep. Xiao moved his cheek against the sheets, they were infused with the scent of Heine Burton.

Heine has been taking good care of him. He didn't leave him, nor did he even show the slightest impatience

Maybe he is not as terrible as he was imagining him to be. As his eyes become more accustomed to the darkness, Xiao Yan could faintly discern the strong and mysterious features of Heine. His prominant brow, the slope of his nose, his chiseled jawline...

Suddenly he feels Heine's eyes on him.

The indifferene that was normally present on his face lifted.  Without it, the chilly atmosphere that surrounded him rose by several degrees.

Heine's palm reaches over and feels Xiao's forehead. His palm was warm and soothing.  Xiao Yan didn't mean to close his eyes but something in the atmosphere spread through the night, as though it were the only place it could live.

Heine leaned toward Xiao, and he felt his lips brush against his. Every cell in his body trembled and shuddered. Heine's tongue licked lightly at his mouth and the kiss deepened, pressing further. That tongue, that had erotically teased the blades of grass, was now wrapped around Xiao Yan's tongue. Each contact, small and brief, as though Hiene were slowly tasting him.

Xiao Yans raised his bent knees, his fingers still splayed against Hiene's chest. He didn't refuse, his body position resembling more an invitation than a rejection. Heine suddenly launched himself onto Xiao Yan's body. His hands clasped his wrists. Xiao felt wrapped completely in the oppressive presence of Heine Burton. The kiss was quickly becoming frantic and messy, his mouth pressing hard and forcefully against his own. Sucking and licking, he deepened the contact of their mouths. Heine angled his head and forced Xiao's mouth further open, his kiss was ruthless and intense. His body was pressing so hard onto Xiao Yan that he could feel his back make contact with the wires underneath the mattress.

The bone crushing impact of Heine's body against him was so intense he couldn't even cry out. Every vessel in his body began to pound and his bones were defenseless against the power of Heine Burton. He could hear his entire skeleton cracking and breaking as he was conquered by Heine. He felt as though he had died.


Suddenly he was able to breathe and his scalding body cooled instantly. There was no weight upon him other than the blanket.

Heine was still asleep on his arm.

Oh, god...


What happened was all an illusion?

What an insane hallucination! There was no way Heine Burton would be kissing him.

Yet, he could still feel the sensation of being pressed against the mattress, his body...his bones...crushed.

He patted his chest, reassuring himself... well...if that had really occurred, he wouldn't be alive right now.

He remembered very clearly the story of that tragic incident 21 years ago.

"What's going on?" Xiao's movements must have roused Heine. The reason for his waking was becoming a pressing matter.

"I have to urinate...".

Xiao was quite embarrassed to have to narrate his bathroom needs to Heine.

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