Chapter 8 You Two Have a Great Brain

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The number of skilled pilots that are able to continue to fly, while resisting a blocker invasion, are too few to count. Heine Burton was able to effortlessly resist the blocker while pulling off near impossible maneuvers to avoid thetracking missile. In front of such amazing skill, Xiao felt insignificant.

For the first time in his life, Xiao felt a faint sense of longing.

He wanted that man to stop and look at him. To fill the view of those cold and relentless eyes... without mockery or contempt, even just the calm gaze he gave to Liv and Mark.

At his own thoughts, Xiao laughed. What are you thinking? This is Heine Burton.

We occupy different worlds.

That night Colonel Raven and Heine were eating together at the base's cafeteria. Occasionally people would sneak glances in their direction.

"Is that possible?Those two having dinner? Doesn't Col. Raven despise Heine Burton?"

Xiao Yan also looked. Heine had the same expression he always had, although extremely handsome, no one would dare approach him.

"I keep wondering, what a unique student he must be for you to personally carry him back to the base."

Heine acted as if he had heard nothing. He spooned the thick soup in front of him and brought it to his mouth. For a brief moment a shadow seemed to paint his brow, and his eyelids trembled slightly. Then when he lifted his gaze, it all seemed an illusion.

"His mind is like a sponge, continually soaking in all the water around him but never full. That makes him more valuable than the students that have packed themselves to capacity; they are stuffed, unable to grow further.

Heine continued to chew carefully. From a distance Xiao Yan admired his patience, the meals at the base were quite unpleasant and difficult to swallow.

Colonel Raven looked at Heine's expression and realized that, no matter what he said or asked, the other party would respond with nothing but indifference.

"Ah,I forgot to tell you that Xiao Yan simulated your flight path with 94% accuracy. This was not the input from the terminal database, but his own neuronal processing. Your brains are quite compatible."

Heine stood up and tossed his tray into therecycling bin. Colonel Raven rubbed his brow, his own expression now completely blank.

At this time someone approached Xiao Yan. "Hey can I sit here?"

The voice was sweet and melodious, if a bit deep and hoarse. Xiao Yan felt a slight tremble. In front of him was an attractive female officer dressed in a casual outfit.

The base was full of military personal and the person in front of him had long wavy reddish brown hair that tumbled down her back. Bright seductive eyes stared at Xiao and his heart jumped to his throat.

" can."

"The base is so boring, thanks for letting me finally have some fun."The other party flipped their long hair and blinked slowly at Xiao Yan. "I forgot to tell you, my name is Maya."

"Maya..." Xiao figured they were on holiday, hence the casual wear. If it were not for that simulation today, Xiao figured a beautiful woman like Maya wouldn't spare him a glance.

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