F O U R | S P I R A L

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Spiral: A skater glides on one foot with their chest facing towards the ice and with the free leg stretched back.

There was a knock on Rosaura's door and she frowned wondering who could be at her apartment at a time like this. Taking a look through the small peephole, she was surprised to see Val standing on the other side. She swung the door open, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Val gave her a mischievous smile. "We are going to a party."

Rosaura shook her head. "You know that I don't like parties..."

Val looped his arm over her shoulder. "That is exactly why you need to go. It's been three weeks since we have been here and you haven't made any friends besides me."

"In my defense, I am too busy with ice dancing practices to make friends." Rosaura replied tartly.

Val sighed. "I know you're shy but you can't always depend on me for everything."

Rosaura gave him a weird glance. "Are you thinking about bailing on me?"

Val laughed. "No, but friends are good to make. Also, it is healthier to think about things other than figure skating. Besides, the party we are going to is with people our age. I'll make you a deal. If you make a friend and exchange information with them, we can leave the party immediately."

Rosaura didn't want to go but she also knew that Val would uphold his promise. "Fine, sit on the couch and I'll be ready in twenty minutes."

She didn't wait for his reply before entering her room and swing her closet door open. Her closet had been divided into three sections. On one side, she kept all her sportswear, on the other side she had her ice dancing costumes and suffocated between the two were her normal day to day clothes. Rosaura picked out a maroon sweater dress and a matching pair of knee-length black heeled boots. Quickly slipping into the outfit, she turned towards her makeup.

Forty minutes later, Rosaura was done. She had skipped the highlight and contour and instead put on some foundation, mascara, and a nude lipstick. When she made her way back to the living room, she could see that Val was on his phone and texting someone.

He looked up when she entered and smiled, "You looking stunning Rose."

Rosaura returned his smiled. "Thanks, now are we going or what?"

When they reached the front of her apartment building, she was surprised to see that it was not Val's car waiting for them but an Uber driver. She turned to Val quizzingly and he shook his head, "Safer this way since I was planning to drink."

Rosaura smiled before jumping to ruffle his hair. "Aren't you a responsible boy," she said mockingly.

He glared at her before opening the door to her side and got in the other side. The ride to the party was filled with laugher and jokes. They avoided discussing anything related to ice dancing as it usually increased the tension between them. Instead, Val talked about the couple of online courses he was taking through the university. He had taken two years off before finally deciding that he did want to purse a post-secondary education. Western University had adapted to his schedule and that was one of the reasons as to why Rosaura and Val were practicing in the city of London, Ontario.

Rosaura had decided to take the year off in hopes of qualifying for the Olympics and winning a medal. After she and Val won, there would be time to go back and study. But right now, her focus was solely on ice-dancing and placing at the podium.

They arrived a few minutes later to a large house that seemed relatively quiet to be hosting a party. Rosaura turned towards Val, "Are you sure this is the right house?"

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