What Father

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The squeaking noise from rubbing the rope against the chair started to thin out which meant that it was on the verge of popping.

Where am I? I thought. Its dark and cold. And why am I here? How did I even get here? What the hell is going on? I thought inquisitively to myself. This shit doesn't make any sense! Where's Dessi?! I almost start to panic but I've been doing a good job at staying calm. Thats the only way I'm getting out of here alive.


It had finally popped. I let the rope hit the floor and I sat for a second to make sure that no one heard it and popped up. I scanned the room a little bit to see what I'm surrounded by and there wasn't much to see. Big and small holes scattered the white, dirty walls. Everything in here smelled like cigarettes and beer. This must've been a hangout spot before they decided to lock me up in here, I spoke to myself.

There's trash overflowing from the can and all over the floor. There are flies everywhere and they're annoying the fuck out of me. There was a constant drip from the faucet and with every drip was a shiver up my spine. This place was so creepy! I needed to get the hell out of here and fast because whoever was here patrolling me is probably on their way back in here.

I leaned forward and started to untie the rope that had my feet tied down and as I'm doing that, I say a quick prayer..

"Lord, please help me to get out of here! I don't know whats going on but please help me!" I took a deep breath, "Amen"

I stood up quickly and hauled ass towards the only door I seen in the room. As I approach the door, I peek my head out and look every direction to make sure I'm in the clear. And I was. I dashed towards the front door and tried to open it, LOCKED! The door is locked. Its locked from the outside so I can't get out!

"Fuck!" I whisper out loud trying to think of a way to get out.

I look around and I notice a wall that was covered in photos, all photos of me. What the hell? I yelled to myself. That shit creeped me out. They were stalking me? I quizzed myself. I hear a car pull up and start to panic.

"Oh shit!"

I look around to find somewhere to hide and I see another door that seems to be the back door because it was one the slides. I ran to the door and slid it open, once that door was open I took off running!

"Get her!" I heard someone yell.

It made my stomach twist up in a knot and I ran even faster! I don't know who the fuck these people are or what they want with my life. I almost cried thinking about it. I'm hauling ass and I guess one of the guys pulled out there guns to shoot because I heard someone scream,

"No! Boss wants her alive!"

What? I thought? Boss? who is boss? I wish I could stop and ask them all these questions but they won't answer to me! Them muthafuckas got a job to do! And their boss had the nerve to kidnap me, and want me alive, they must be getting paid good and cannot be from my area because Everyone knew who my father is and would not dare try some shit like this with Desmond Johnson daughter.

"Stop running! Either way, we're gonna find you!" One of them yell to me.

Yeah right bitch! I smirked to myself.

There was no way in hell I was gonna let them catch me. I don't what I had to do.

As I'm running, the area starts to look a little more familiar so I keep running.

I feel like I'm picking up more speed and out of nowhere, I fall. I stumble over some rocks that were in the path I was running down.

"Dammit!!" I hollered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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