Chapter 2

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(Hey guys it's me! So I hopped you liked that chapter. I know it's pretty lame right now but I promise it will get better! I'm going to try and update every week, but I am in school so it may not always happen. Up top -or to the side- is Francisco Lachowski as Logan. Well i hope you all enjoy this book and stick along for the ride. Love you!)

I froze my hands by my side, "Why exactly do you need me?"

"Logan asked for you." I sucked in a sharp breath and I could see Charlotte's eyes widen.

"I'm not going." I crossed my hands in my lap trying to stop them from shaking.

They rolled their eyes and walked around to either side of me and grabbed me underneath my arms, "Hey! Put her down!" Charlotte yelled in protest.

I fought while they dragged me out of the cafeteria but it was no use. I stopped struggling so they could drag me properly.

I was waiting for Charlotte to come storming in and demand that I be put down but the hallway doors never opened.

"Can you let me go now?" I was practically walking by myself, they just had their hands gripped tightly around my elbows.

"Nope." They said in unison. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Could you at least tell me your names before you drag me to my death?" I heard the one on my right chuckle but immediately stopped when the one on my left shot him a glare.

"I'm Steven." The one who shot the glare said.

"And I'm Stephen." The one on my right giggled again. Looking more closely I could see the resemblance between them. It was easy to miss unless you knew they were twins.

"Stephen and Steven huh?" I laughed as they dragged me down the hall.
After turning down several hallways I found myself in the old gym. When I say old I mean it was the gym that was first apart of the original school (it smells like death himself took a nice long vacation in there).

It was abandoned some odd years ago when we renovated the rest of the building. Lately it's only used for make out spots, a place to go when you ditch, or when you're meeting your untimely demise.

I could feel a knot grow in my stomach as we neared the doors. I had no clue what was in store for me, but oh dear god did I hope I was going to be let off easy.

We walked into the gym and as soon as we stepped foot on the old wooden floors they creaked under our weight and Stephen and Steven let me go.

I stood frozen in my spot. I didn't dare move or breath, "Have a seat Daytona. Relax a little." The voice came from my left and when I turned my head Logan sat there on the old bleachers.

"What do you want?" I didn't dare approach him. I wasn't sure if this was a smart move or if it would set him off. Today was a great day for me to test my luck.

"I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're wondering." Letting out a breath I had no clue I was holding I slowly walked over to him.

"Then why did you drag me out here?" I gestured to where we were, "Why drag me all the way out here, literally, if you weren't going to beat me up?"

He let out a soft chuckle. It was sexy coming from him. Wait no it wasn't. "I brought you out here to make a bet with you."

"Let me get this straight. You, Logan Wylde, renowned bad boy of this school, want to make a bet with me, Daytona Lyn, GG of this place?" I laughed.

He looked at me with no emotion on his face, "Yea."

"Nope I'm outta here." I turned to leave when Stephen grabbed the back of my shirt.

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