Part Forty Six

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A/N I am so sorry at the lengthy delay. As some of you are aware I had a lull in writing as I have a family member who is really unwell. But as they are more stable, I took my planned vacation. So I've had a couple of weeks in the sunshine relaxing. Unfortunately I had no internet...but for the first time in years I didn't write at all. Feeling tons better, and I'm back. I promise to get this story wrapped up as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience and all your thoughts and comments. Mz

Chapter Forty Six

Oscar had no idea how to cope with her almost instant dismissal. But as he finally pulled himself together, dragged himself out into the hallway to catch up with her, he was met with a slamming front door. Often she walked to school, but today she was in already in her car when he opened the door. He could follow her, but he knew that a confrontation in front of the school gates would be a million miles from what they both wanted...or needed.

Instead, he reluctantly returned to the lounge...there was only one thing to do. Think of a plan, a way of showing her that he was worth a final chance.

Half an hour later, she was home. Nate bouncing around the place like a Jack-in-a-box, gushing over the important things to a five year old, completely unaware that the parent figures in his life were silent, distant with each other, but never with him. Oscar was almost amazed at Lizzie's serenity, her calmness; he KNEW that she was as affected by this as he was. A few months ago he might have seen her aloofness as disinterest, but he knew that wasn't the case. She was as into him as he was her, but she was an actress, and with a life time's practice, a very bloody good one at that.

He watched her as she sang along to some Bruno Mars song on the radio with Nate. She was cool, calm and collected, and he decided to make her eat her words. He would show her that she needed and wanted him as much as he did her, but he would also prove that he was worth that final risk. He knew that Freya would be proud of him, because a few months ago he wouldn't have given a shit, he'd have written this off as bad luck, but as he watched the two laughing, he knew that he wanted them both, not just Nate, this place felt like home. He never thought he'd settle down to be part of a family, but he was. He couldn't believe that he'd blown it; he couldn't accept that it was over...after all, this was his future, his tomorrow.

He left the two of them to dinner preparation, Lizzie was making pizza, and Nate loved helping her. He had to plan, and regroup. So disappearing to his room, he started to make some phone calls.

"I'm going swimming."

Lizzie appeared as Oscar and Nate were finishing their pizzas, she spotted him roll his eyes, he knew that she was avoiding him, but then that shouldn't be a surprise. Tomorrow they'd meet with her solicitor, get an agreement of sorts set out, then she could regroup, lick her wounds. Losing time with Nate would break her, but the awkward presence of Oscar was hard too. She needed to protect her sanity. That was vital.

"You'll put Nate to bed?" She asked without meeting his eyes, instead she stooped to kiss Nate on the cheek. "Be good for your Dad, darling, ok?"

As he smiled at her nodding, his mouth full of pizza, she made the mistake of looking up at Oscar. The look he gave her almost turned her into dust, it was hot, and completely unapologetic, his desire for her evident on every inch of his face.

As if it was that easy, a hot look would make it all alright...did he really believe that? Grabbing her bag she gave him her best pissed off scowl then left the house.

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