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The gangs hurriedly get closer to their sun only being stopped by Maya.

"Try to get any closer and you will see him dead"

They stopped as they saw Maya dig the knife into Arthit's neck. Not deep. But enough to draw blood. They heard Arthit hissed weakly.


Kongpop almost run to get his fiance back but Knott hold him in deathly grip.

"Stop, Kong! She will hurt Ai Arthit more if you carelessly go there"
"But, P'Knott....."
"Let's find another way. Ai Arthit's safety is our priority now. Do you understand? We faced a psycho, Kong"

Nodding, Kongpop gritted his teeth.


He cursed. If only he is not so dense. Arthit won't be in trouble like now. He run his finger on his hair, yanked it.

"Nong Maya, what do you want?"

Maya smiled at Kongpop.

"I want you, P'"

Many gasped can be heard.

"Leave him and be with me, P'. We can build a happy family. You, me, and our children. I knew your dream to have a son if you become a father. Be with me and we will make your dream come true, P'. Leave him. He can't give what you want. He can't get pregnant. Heck, no male can get pregnant. With me, you will have a normal life. Not being a disgusting gay"

Silent. They can only heard Maya blabbering. They angry, thats right. But they hold it. Arthit will be in danger if they are careless. And they knew, this girl already crossed Kongpop's tolleration's line.

Knott alarmed when the body in his arm shaking. He saw Kongpop balled his fist, gritted his teeth, his bangs shadowing his eyes. Knott close his eyes, take a deep breath, before open his eyes and give last tight hug and release Kongpop. His friends tensed at his act.

"You have my trust, Kong"

Kongpop relaxed after hearing Knott's voice. But his eyes, his cold eyes look straight at Maya's.

"You don't know anything about me. About us. Maybe you think that P'Arthit who turned me, but to telling you the truth, it is me who turned him. It is me who chased him. It is me who begged his love. Rejection, anger, punishment, he gave me all of it. I try hard to win his heart and i did. If you think that my love for him only like 'one night stand', you are wrong. I fall too deep. My love for him grew more and more each time. And i have no plan to letting him go from my embrace after that hard time. Heck, i even don't want to imagine it. Never. I can't figure it out how my life without him"

Arthit hated being weak. But that damned Maya and her lackeys. They drugged him before started their torture. Today also. They had drugged him before went to this place. He hate them. He hate them because they make him thinking ugly about himself. He didn't deserve Kongpop anymore. He is dirty. He let other than Kongpop to touch him. Kongpop will hate him. His heart clenched painfully when a thought of Kongpop leave him crossed his mind. He closed his eyes as the tears falling down his cheek. He bite his lips to hold himself. But it is too painfully to bear.

As if understanding Arthit's turmoil thought, Kongpop's voice snapped him awake.

"Ai Oon..... Look at me, my love"

Arthit open his eyes and his gaze meet Kongpop's warm smile. He let out soft sobbing.

"My baby.... Listen to me na. I love you. And always love you. No matter what happen, i will always love you. I'm sorry i can't protect you that time. I'm sorry. I just want you to know. I love you Arthit Rojnapat. I love the way you are. I don't give a damn care even you can't give me children. The one i care is you. I did choose you and to be with you since 2 years ago and it will never changed"

Maya thunderous voice snapped them.

"You must be with me, P'Kongpop. You have to"

Her knife grazed Arthit's cheek.

"Never. I rather die than to be with you"

Arthit agreed. He too, rather die than to let  Kongpop to be with her.

"It is better if P'Arthit dissappear"

They widen their eyes when Maya stabbing Arthit's stomach. Arthit slide down, holding his bleeding stomach.


They rushed, try to get their friend only being stopped by her lackeys. Prem, Knott, Wad and Kongpop beat them in anger.

"P'Arthit! No!"

They watched in horror when they saw Arthit and Maya fight. A gun between them.

Dor! Dor!


They frozen when they saw Maya with her bloody stomach falling backward and dragged Arthit's limp body with her. Falling down the cliff. To the sea.


Knott try his best to hold Kongpop. Prevent him to jump, follow Arthit. They still shocked. Tears streaming down their cheek. They can't see below. Arthit and Maya's body dissappeared into the sea.

He then got panic attack when Kongpop's body going limp. Quickly he caught the junior in his arm.

"Kong! Kongpop! Wake up!"

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