The Smith's Grove redemption.

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It had been 15 years since the day you went to visit Michael in the hospital. 15 years since your best friend was ripped away from you.  Every week you wrote him a letter and sent it to the hospital, but you never heard anything back, Even to this day you would send them. Just hoping that maybe you would get a reply.

You still lived in Haddonfield, your parents had moved to a different state but you couldn't bring yourself to move. You guessed that subconsciously you thought that Michael might come back one day, and though you knew that would never happen it just felt right to stay. Your parents had very kindly left you their house and you lived in it alone, with the occasional friend or boyfriend of the time staying for small amounts of time. You could never really hold down a boyfriend, none of them could ever make you feel the way Michael did so you only really used them for a bit of fun before you got bored and moved on.

Some of the older residents of Haddonfield would try to shun you, saying how you were "friends with the devil" you brushed this off but deep down it affected you somewhat. You didn't like how people would refer to Michael as the devil, when you knew that he was just a scared boy who craved to get away from his crappy family. But unfortunately he had snapped before he got that chance.

Michael spent the next fifteen years at Smith's Grove Sanitarium, never saying a word, not since that day. He would just sit in his cell and make an assortment of masks, which littered the walls of his small cell. He found it somewhat therapeutic to create these masks, and enjoyed the way they looked on the wall, they were colourful and gave some life to the dull walls of his prison. Dr. Loomis had recently left, not that Michael cared, but it did feel particularly strange not seeing the man anymore as Michael had become so accustomed to seeing him everyday that his sudden absence was strange.

It was around the time that the caretakers would arrive, there was a new one that really infuriated Michael, he would insult him and disrespect him, and boy did Michael want to hurt him if he ever got the chance. His thoughts were interrupted by the very man himself, he and another guard were in the process of unlocking his door. They barged into his room with another female inmate, they were touching her and throwing comments at Michael, "we've got a treat for you freak!" They would exclaim. Michael could see the girl was in pain, she was screaming and tears were streaming down her face. At this point they guards had their trousers down and were doing the poor girl right there in Michael's bed. Michael didn't react until the guards started to put on and break his masks, it was then that Michael grabbed one of them by the throat, he slammed him up against the wall, his head colliding with the hard bricks repeatedly until the man was no longer struggling in his grip, he dropped the lifeless man and took off after the other. Once he caught the other caretaker he snapped his neck with ease, not even bothering to look back at his work.

Michael made his way towards the reception where he picked off another seven people before being confronted by the caretaker who had been there since Michael was first admitted, the man looked scared and slowly walked towards Michael, He had handcuffs in his outstretched hand. "Hey mikey" he muttered "I'm just gonna put these on ya, and take you back to your room" Michael waited until the mans hands were close enough to him before he grabbed him by the neck and crushed the guys throat with his massive hands. Michael walked towards the exit and made his way out of Smith's Grove. He was finally free. Free to go back to you. But what if you didn't want him anymore. What if you had moved away and he would never see you again? These thoughts haunted Michael as he made his way towards a truck at a nearby gas station.

He found the driver in the toilets and banged on the door, "I ain't finished yet give a man some time to clear himself" came a voice from inside the stalls. Michael thumped the door again, "look man I ain't looking for no fun, I don't swing that way. so just clear off or I will have to hurt ya" . Michael threw himself at the door; breaking it down in the process. Michael repeatedly stabbed the man who referred to himself as 'Grizzly'. Michael discarded his hospital robes and put on the rugged jumpsuit of the now dead truck driver.

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