chapter 24: a little bit of Liam

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*unedited so may contain grammar mistakes*

I regretted a lot of things in my life. For example, letting Adrian borrow my house keys and never returning it. Accidentally standing on a cat's tail and seeing murder in it's eyes. Agreeing to Liam's propasal and never having the chance to eat those expensive food.

But hiding under someones bed while they are about to get it on was beyond regret.

I never thought my life would come to an end like this. Forget my life, it's Liam who's about to lose his.

I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if it wasn't for Liam leaving me 'accidentally' while I was in the bathroom at his friends house.

I mean, who the heck forgets their wife? Forgetting a child is understandable cause being a parent is hard but being a spouse ain't.

I cursed every word under the sun at Liam. I hope he chokes on water.

"Babe" Alison mumbled.

Oh holy potato. Please no. God please no. Don't ruin the last bit of innocence I have left in me.

My heart began to race.

"I'm getting in the shower first okay?". I watched her dress fall on the floor and her legs carried her towards the bathroom.

My prayers were heard and I sighed in relief.

My phone flashed and Liam's name appeared on the screen.

You good?

When is technology going to allow you to transport to another place and strangle the person?

I furiously texted back.

I should have divorced you yesterday

It wasn't long until my phone flashed.

I'll be there in 5

I held myself back from cursing out load. Remind me again to never agree to go anywhere with Liam.

I patiently waited, checking the time every few minutes. 1 minute then 2 then 5 then 10 had passed and no sign of Liam. That husband of mine is really about to become ex.

Where are you?! I texted him.

Grabbing food

I was about to explode.

I'm about to call a lawyer

After a few seconds Liam replied with a picture of him with a bag full of food. He had an ice cream shoved in his mouth.

I'll give you have of it

I bit my lip.


I grinned at the thought of Liam buying me food. Maybe he was sorry for leaving me.

Ps. The food wasn't for you

I take it back. The man has no remorse whatsoever

I sighed and leaned my head on my arm. I was starving at the thought of food. Tyler and Alison were nice people but their tiny proportion of rich people food wasn't enough to fill me up. Besides, I have a food baby to feed.

It wasn't long until Alison came out and panic washed over me.

"You done baby?" Tyler asked as I could feel him moving in bed.

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