Tears and Pain

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All I feel is Sorrow lately the only things that keep me happy is you!

But how do I stay happy when all I hear is lies and half truths?

When i look around our room seeing all the pictures we take all the memories we share, wonderful memories they type of memories I'll never forget ever!

But lately all I hear is your with her at first it didn't bug me until all my friends started saying it was, my heart started to ache in pain wanting to believe it's not; but getting all my "friends" saying it true that you and her admitted it just hurts me and when I cry and scream in pain all they do is turn there back!
All the friends I helped in the past just turn away from me, like I'm nothing like I'm a peace of garbage on the street.

When I come to you about it your never here your always a mile away.

Please just stop I want to believe but somehow I can't!
I know what you would say to me "don't listen to them!" but baby it's hard not to when you hear it everyday!.

Sometimes my heart aches so much that it feels like it's bleeding and I'm standing in my own blood knee high and all the wounds are open for everyone to see.

So why doesn't anyone hear me scream? Why doesn't anyone see my tear or the pain that I feel and see....

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