When I met you (part 2)

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I raised my head up and my eyes met a kind face.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Welcome," he said kindly.

*Did he just talk to me, no one ever talks to me!* I thought.

I just ran home scared and embarrassed of what just happened. Wen I got home I just locked the door, running upstairs to my room covering my self with a blanket.

As I fell a sleep, all that goes through my mind is what just happened today! He talked to me I can't believe it. Maybe my luck is changing on me.. maybe he saw something in me that I've never seen before...

*Next day*

I woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day, so I walked out the door and I looked up to see if anyone I knew was there. I look straight ahead of me and saw his familiar face.

OMG! It's the guy from yesterday, I wanted to see what he was doing here so I took a step on the road starting to walk over there, next thing I remember is I got hit really hard by a car, and all I hear is "OMG! Is she okay someone call the ambulance we need them here now!" That's when I blacked out.

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