Chapter 6- Jake

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The bruise on my face is slowly fading. It's been a week, and now it's turning yellow.

The doorbell rings and I groan, I'm guessing it's the guy who snuck into my room. I shudder thinking about it. Just checking on me, my ass. I jump up quickly and run downstairs. Opening the door, I see an elderly woman and just the guy I didn't want to see. I smile at the woman and drop my gaze without sparing the guy I only know as Charming another glance.

"I'll show you to Master Stark," I say quietly, grimacing at the name.

I lead them to the living room where Mr. Stark is and smile at the woman, she gives me a warm smile as I turn to leave the room.

"Brittney, get me some coke ASAP. Would you two like anything?" Mr. Stark asks. 

I look at them and they both shake their head.

"Right away," I say hurrying out of the room.

Sighing I grab a Coke from the fridge and resist the urge to shake it.

"Here you are," I say placing the glass in front of him.

"Thank you, I'll see you later tonight." He says winking at me. 

The woman with Charming has a nasty glare on her face, but I quickly realize it isn't directed towards me. Charming doesn't seem too impressed either. 

"Yes, master," I say quietly walking out of the room.

I hurry to my room and turn the TV on. Dinner probably won't be for a while, so I turn on some music quietly and start to dance to the upbeat tempo. I let everything else fade away as I sway my hips. Closing my eyes, I let the music take me to a faraway place, where maybe, being Cinderella is possible. I hear the floor creak and my eyes snap open. I start to let out a scream, but a hand covers my mouth. This feels familiar. I start to panic as I try to thrash out of the hold I'm in. As I'm whipped around, Charming puts a finger to his lips as a shushing motion. He slowly moves his hand away from my mouth and I glare at him.

"What in the hell is wrong with you." I hiss.

"If looks could kill," he mumbles.

"Answer me you bastard. You can't just sneak into my room," I growl.

He cocks an eyebrow at me, "Oh really, so if I asked Jimmy if I could come into your room, he'd say no?" He challenges.

Still glaring at him, I sigh, knowing he is right. 

"What do you want?" 

"You're a good dancer," he says, changing the subject.

"Thanks, but what. Do. You. Want?" I ask again.

"To see you?" He states, but it sounds more like a question. 

I roll my eyes and sigh.

"If your gonna fuck me then just get it over with," I tell him, defeated.

He raises his eyebrow again at me and I just shrug.

"Just wanted to see how that bruise is," he explains.

 It sounds like there's anger in his voice, but I ignore it.

"Well, it's fine so, goodbye," I say, gesturing to the door.

"I'm leaving I'm leaving," says holding his hands up.

I shoot him one last glare before he closes the door, then I slump down on my bed and stare at the closed door, shaking. I hate the fact that people can sneak into my room so easily. It makes me feel weak and helpless. Like my mom must have felt. I miss her, so, so much. A tear slips down my cheek as a silent sob wracks my body. I wipe the tear away and get up.

"Brittney! Get your pretty little ass down here!" Stark shouts.

I sigh and hurry downstairs where Charming and then woman are standing. The woman has a look of distaste on her face and Charming looks pissed.

What's up with them?

"Yes?" I say, not meeting his gaze. 

It's disrespectful, according to any master I've ever had. If you look them in the eye, it's like saying your equal. And I'm not equal to them, I'm trash.

"Bring me the manilla folder from my desk," he instructs me. I nod and quickly walk to his office. I grab the folder on top and walk back, handing it to him. "Dismissed," he says, not looking at me. I nod and walk to the kitchen to get dinner.

The woman that is with Charming comes into the kitchen and smiles at me. I raise an eyebrow, "I think you must be confused, the bathroom is down the hall and to the left ma'am," I tell her politely. She lets out a chuckle and shakes her head.

"I'm a maid dear. Jake's maid to be exact." So that's Charming's real name, "Jimmy can be so rude sometimes." She says, sounding angry.

I just nod, not wanting to get in trouble. This could be a test for all I know. 

"So dear, what's your name?" She asks, smiling sweetly. 

She gives off a motherly vibe and it makes me smile back slowly. This probably isn't a test. Then I stop to think about her question. 

Why would anyone want to know anything about me?

"Because dear, you're a person too," she says, confusing me even more.

Then it dawns on me, I said that out loud. A blush spreads across my face and I drop my gaze.

"Brittney ma'am, my name is Brittney," I tell her quietly.

"Such a beautiful name, it fits you."

I look at her strangely. 

What does she mean by that? I'm certainly not beautifulI'm ugly.

"Janice, we are leaving," Jake says from the other room, it sounds more like a growl, and she hurries off, shooting me one last smile.

I walk back to my room, so deep in thought, I don't notice Jimmy following me until I step into my room, and he closes the door, pinning me against it.


"I hope you enjoyed your stay at my mansion," Jimmy says in the car.

We are on our way to the sales place and my bruise has faded just in time. Once we get to the barn, I'm brought to John who grabs my butt and places a kiss on my lips.

"We decided to sell you again tomorrow, so you'll be coming home with us for the night," Dustin says, an evil glint in his eye.

I nod and drop my gaze, looking at my worn-out tennis shoes.

"Yeah," Cole says, "tonight will be a lot of fun, we are having friends over." 

I shudder slightly but they don't notice. Me plus a bunch of drunk men will not turn out well.

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