Moving In (One Step Forward,No Steps Back - Kongpob x Arthit)

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Note: In this oneshot,Arthit has already graduated and has a job while Kongpob's on internship for his last year in university.I'm such a sucker for domestic boyfriends 💕



Startled, Kongpob's elbows slipped off the edge off the table. Shit, had he actually dozed off while Arthit was talking? He straightened up and saw that his boyfriend was peering at him with a mix of mild irritation and concern.

"Sorry, did you say something P'?"

He rubbed his face with his hands, forcing down a yawn. This was the fourth time today that he had nearly dozed off. Guess the two cups of black coffee he had drunk earlier in the day wasn't much help.

"I told you that we didn't have to meet if you're exhausted." Arthit nagged, regretting asking his boyfriend out for a quick meal. "Did you even sleep?"

Both of them were working now; Arthit holding a proper full-time job after graduating and Kongpob on internship. His boyfriend looked exhausted, as if he hadn't been getting much sleep lately.

"Sorry, P'. I had to wake up extra early today to make it to work by eight for a meeting. Just my luck to land a company that's so far away from the campus." Kongpob took a sip of his drink, hoping that the caffeine would work its magic.

His fatigue was definitely leading to a loss in appetite as well, the roadside meatball clear noodles he loved so much left untouched. Arthit didn't like seeing Kongpob like this. Even if their jobs limited their time together, he knew the younger male would force himself to meet up with Arthit any chance he got despite being tired.

"You know that you don't have to pick me
up from work on days that we meet right? It's an hour's journey from your office." Okay, so Arthit was being a nag, but he wanted his stubborn boyfriend to rest, damn it!

Kongpob rested his hand over Arthit's, his thumb stroking over the matching metal band that he had bought for them for their second year anniversary.

"It's not tiring if I get to spend time with you, P. Makes the travelling time worth it."

Arthit pinked a little and stabbed his fork into a meatball, pushing it forcefully against his boyfriend's lips. "Idiot. Eat your food. You're all grown up but you can't even take care of yourself."

Kongpob insisted on paying for the meal and halfway towards the taxi stand, Kongpob spotted a cab and hailed it before turning to Arthit to gesture for him to get in.

"Text me once you reach home, okay P'?"

"Mm." He missed those times when he was still living on campus. Knowing that their apartments were simply opposite each other. "Kongpob."

Arthit made sure that the coast was clear before he stepped up to his boyfriend, lightly pecking him on the cheek. He truly appreciated the effort Kongpob always put in in making time for them and texting him daily without fail to check up on him.

"Take care of yourself." Arthit said somewhat sternly. "Don't make me worry about you." He whispered the next three words so damn softly and quickly that Kongpob thought that he might have heard wrongly.

"I love you."


Arthit's parents had bought him an apartment as a graduation present. It wasn't fancy or anything, a small one-bedroom apartment located in a non-bustling part of the town. There wasn't much amenities, but at least there was a mart downstairs for him to do his grocery shopping.

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