The Domestic (And Somewhat Jealous) Boyfriend

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Disclaimer: Let me just reiterate that this work is purely FICTIONAL and is in no way whatsoever associated with the novel or TV series in anyway. I do not own the characters in anyway whatsoever. Whatever image/fiction posted here is purely fanmade and NOT in anyway real.

With this kind of chilly weather, it was a perfect night to head down for supper with friends, or turn in for the night

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With this kind of chilly weather, it was a perfect night to head down for supper with friends, or turn in for the night. Arthit didn't feel like doing either, turning down Bright's and Toota's invitation for supper. He didn't think he could sleep either, checking his phone to see if Kongpob had replied to his message.

It wasn't like Kongpob not to reply. The younger male was usually the one flooding Arthit's phone with messages and along the way, it had become routine for them to talk on the phone before turning in for the night. The balcony doors were closed, lights switched off and curtains drawn. Fretting, Arthit wondered if he should pop over and check if everything was alright. Then again, Kongpob was probably just busy. Between classes and projects, he was helping out with a couple of the school activities.

Even if Arthit didn't want to admit it, he had gotten used to the late night messages and calls. There was just something soothing about lying on his bed in the dark, listening to his boyfriend rattle on about this and that. At night, alone with his thoughts, Arthit found it easier to express his feelings. The whispered conversations, him pressing a pillow against his face when Kongpob first uttered those three words over the phone.

10.18pm. There was no way he could concentrate on his work. Arthit crossed over the threshold back into his room and flopped down onto the bed, checking his phone for the nth time. The LINE messages were still unread. Arthit made sure that his phone wasn't on silent mode, just in case he fell asleep.

  Arthit made sure that his phone wasn't on silent mode, just in case he fell asleep

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