Chapter Fourteen

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"Y'know," I said. "We could have probably avoided this."

Currently, Blake, Jordan and I were all standing, observing the mess that had once been a kitchen.

The batter had gone everywhere.

Including all over us. It was on the walls, on the floor and all over the benches. It even, somehow, got onto the roof. How does that even happen?

So yeah, we had made a mess. A huge mess.

"Dibs not cleaning up," I said quickly, Blake repeating the words to which Jordan groaned.

"I knew that I would have to clean all of this up!" he exclaimed, huffing and then putting on a pout.

"I was really looking forward to those cookies." Now it was my turn to pout.

"Me too," Blake agreed.

My phone buzzed. I picked it out of my pocket and checked the message. It was from my mother, her and Dad were at home cooking dinner. They were actually home from work. I had no idea how long it had been since we'd actually had dinner together.

"Well, I better go. Mum and Dad are expecting me home for dinner," I said, stretching my arms out so that Blake could pick me up. He scoffed, carrying me anyway.

"Can't you walk yet?"

"I can but I don't want to."

He rolled his eyes as Jordan grabbed my backpack and handed it to me. Jordan offered to give me a lift home, since he would be driving Blake home anyway. I accepted the offer.

The car ride was short, and of course it was filled with joking around and bickering with each other. When Jordan  pulled up at my house, I thanked the boys again and walked up the driveway, despite the tiny pricks of pain that decided to make themselves known every once in awhile.

I opened the door with my spare key, immediately hearing my mother and father talking in the kitchen while the delicious smell of dinner spread to the hallway. I smiled, remembering the days when this was an everyday thing. Going home to a family dinner.

"Hey," I greeted my parents. My father was sitting at the table, on his laptop. My mother was at the stove, cooking up something that smelled like chicken soup.

"Hey Stef," my father greeted back and my mother did as well. I discussed school with them, how I was going and what classes I was taking. They listened while I ranted on about school, some things that have happened recently and I even talked about my new friendship with Blake and Jordan.

My mother served up dinner, the wonderful smelling chicken soup was devoured in minutes, no one daring to interrupt the food silence. Afterwards, my parents excused themselves to go back to work, shutting themselves in their room.

I sighed and went upstairs, planning to do some homework. When I was walking up there, I walked past the spare bedroom that Christen had occupied while he was here. Despite his asshole personality, I did feel a little worried about him. We had no idea where he was, and he could be lost or hurt.

I kept walking to my room, the thoughts of Christen troubling me. What the hell has he got himself into now?

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School was pretty average the next day, Jordan and Blake annoying me blah blah blah, no need for details on that.

I was grabbing my things out of my locker after the last bell had rang. I then accidentally dropped all of my things. "Shit!" I yelled before groaning and then picking them up.

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