Chapter Eleven

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"Guys I really don't want to intrude and al-" I started to say but they ignored me.

"Welcome to our table," Blake grinned, sitting down next to Ethan. Jordan sat down on the other side next to Xavier, who was watching me with a look of amusement.

"Why is she here?" Ethan scowled.

"She is standing right here, thank you very much," I said, still standing.

"I know that, I can smell you from here."

"Well, enjoy it while it lasts because if you speak again I'll rip your nose of-"

"Ladies, ladies," Jordan said, earning a glare from Ethan. "No need to fight. Not until we get popcorn."

"It's your fault for bringing her here. I already have enough girls bugging me everyday. Especially Veronica," Ethan said, a bitter expression on his face.

"You guys don't like Veronica?" I said, sinking down into a seat that wasn't next to any of them.

"Of course not, she's a bitch," Xavier said, shrugging. It was the first thing I'd heard him say since oh-so-long ago when I first came to this school.

Bitch seems to be a very popular word with these boys.

"I figured that out the moment she opened her mouth," I replied. It was true, there was always a Queen Biatch in every school. It's unavoidable.

"So did we. Unfortunately, she hasn't left us alone since we started high school," Blake said, sounding annoyed and bitter.

"Sucks for you I guess."

"Trust me, it does. She's gotten worse, obsessing over Xavier especially." To this, Xavier scowled deeply. "She won't leave us alone," Jordan continued.

"Have you told her to, you know, go away?" I asked.

"We've told her to fuck off many times," Blake replied. Ethan was busy scowling, not sure if it was because of me or Veronica, and Xavier looked deep in thought.

It was obvious that Xavier was the most attractive, managing to look hot while deep in thought. I mean, who does that? How do you do that? Sign me up.

I stopped looking at Xavier before someone questioned me as to why I was staring at him. Thankfully, no one noticed as they were all too busy insulting Veronica in their heads.

"Oh my god, speak of the Devil," Jordan said, sinking down in his seat with disappointment and annoyance. 

"I'll bet you five dollars that she targets me," I said to Blake quickly before she arrived at our table. 

"You're on," he mouthed back. Veronica had arrived, her minions standing behind her. Kaitlyn stood among them. 

Honestly, Veronica needed clothes that weren't a size two in children's wear. She was just about wearing bathers. 

Don't you get cold? 

She sneered at me. "Why are you sitting at our table?" 

I turned to Blake. "You owe me five dollars," I told him before turning back around. "Veronica, you were just sitting at another table."

"Yes, but I want to sit here now."

"Yeah well, I want a million dollars, we all want something," I replied casually, making her glare at me instead of her usual sneer or smirk. Now she was losing this little confrontation. 

People had started to watch what was going on, hungry for a piece of gossip. I honestly didn't care if she sat at this table or not, it's the fact that she came to me about it when there are plenty of other seats around it. 

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