Chapter Eight

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It was the morning of Warped Tour Prom and I was beyond excited. Ash and I had both planned to get ready together, since I wanted her to help me with my makeup. It was still only noon, so we had hours before it is time to get ready since it was the second to last day before warped ended. I knew I’d miss it, but it wasn’t that time yet. I still had tonight to live through and enjoy.

                I felt Austin nudge me as he walked past me at the merch table and I couldn’t help but smile. I handed a fan the shirt they had asked for, only to be ignored because they wanted to talk to Austin. I told him to get the money from the girl before he left and hand it to me. I got a few glares here and there and I couldn’t really figure out why. I felt Cody tap on my shoulder and I turned around to face him.

                “What’s up, bud?” I asked.

                He smiled, “I’m sure you wondering why people are giving you dirty looks, right?”

                “How’d you know? It’s like you read my mind or something.” I replied.

                “Well I noticed the confused look on your face when that girl glared at you.” He started, and then held his phone up. It was a tweet, well a picture of Austin and me hugging after one of their sets. “The fans are starting to realize that Austin might not be on the market anymore.”

                I sighed, “Does this mean the fans are going to hate me?”

                “Not really, but I knew the few you mistreated in the beginning are going to have bad things to say about you to the family.” He replied.

                “I thought in this family it was wrong to bully?” I asked and he smiled, “That’s what I thought.”

                He sighed, “Doesn’t mean they won’t do it though.”

                “Oh well, whatever. I don’t care, tonight is warped prom and I plan on having fun, getting shit faced, and dancing with my boyfriend. They can suck it!” I said, excited.

                He smiled, “That’s the right kind of attitude!”

                I smiled back at him and then went back to what I was doing. He sat down on one of the chairs only to be asked for a photo and I couldn’t help but laugh at him. He was finally relaxing and then someone asked him for something. I mean he also knew coming out by the merch table was a horrible idea with fans walking by it every two seconds.

                It wasn’t long before the guys were heading up on stage for their set. I made my way over to the stage once more, so I could watch Cody ask Ash to warped prom. Since she just assumed she was going to be attending with Austin and myself, alongside her bandmates. I stood off to the side where Ash couldn’t see me holding the black carnation Cody had picked out for her to ask her with.

                He walked over to just after Partners and Crime so I could hand him the carnation before walking back over to Ash. He got down on one knee before speaking into the microphone again. I couldn’t help but smile as the crowd fell into a puddle from how cute Cody was being on stage.

                “Ash, will you go to Warped Prom with me?” he asked.

                She pulled her hand away from her mouth to reveal a smile, “Yes.”

The Nightmare at Warped Tour [A Set It Off FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now