Chapter Three

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A few days had passed since Cody scared me, I had avoided him in every way I could. And that was no easy task may I add. Being on the same bus each night made it harder to avoid him, but for the most part Maxx kept close to me, and we’d talk. I actually really enjoyed Maxx, he was kind of sweet. He told me all about his girlfriend, her names Marie. I’m told I’ll get to meet her. I felt someone tug on my shirt, and I looked down to see Cody sitting down next to me. I stood up but he grabbed my wrist to stop me.

                “Can we talk?” he asked.

                I started to walk away again, “No.”

                “Come one, Clem.” he pleaded.

                “There is nothing to talk about okay, I get it. I’ll just do my job and leave you be.” I stated.

                I walked away and into my bunk. I knew Cody wasn’t going to just drop it. I faced the wall in my bunk because I knew he’d just open the curtain back up, and when he did I felt his hand on my back. I knew I’d end up on the floor, as I always did, only this time I wasn’t on the floor. Instead he laid next to me.

                “What are you doing?” I asked, concern flooding my voice.

                He sighed, “If this is the only way I can get you to talk to me, then I guess I’ll have to get in this stupid bed with you.”

                “Please get out.” I spat at the wall.

                “Not until you talk to me Amelia.” He snapped.

                I tensed up, “It’s Clementine.”

                “No, it’s Amelia until you talk to me.” He countered.

                I pushed him with my ass making him fall out of the bed, I couldn’t help but laugh. I rolled over and he was lying still staring at the ceiling trying not to laugh. I turn my leg out and placed my elbows on my knees to assure him I’d listen. He sat up and looked at me.

                “Well, are you going to talk, or just stare at me?” I asked.

                He smiled, “I mean, I wouldn’t mind.”

                “Ew, gag.” I said.

                “Okay, I’m trying to apologize for what I did the other day.” He said.

                I laughed, “You realize you did that almost a week ago, right?” I asked.

                “Oh, whoops. Well I’m only doing this because Austin told me too.” He snapped.

                “Well then don’t do it. Let’s face it, I don’t like you, and you don’t like me.” I replied.

                He laughed, “Well we both seem to agree on that.”

                “Well then why don’t we just play nice when everyone is around so they won’t bother us to apologizing thing again?” I offered as a way to end all of this. “What do you say?”

                “Sounds like an idea to me.” He replied.

                We both heard laughing, “Did you forget we’re five feet away?”

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