The Strike of Midnight

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Cinderella stood frozen to the spot, her fingers cold, trembling, staring as everyone stared back at her, expectantly, like she should be the one to remove her mask first.


Her voice stuck in her throat, panic searing her chest.

Her eyes zeroed in on her stepmother who was coming forwards, watching her.

"Shouldn't our more honoured guests be the first to take of their masks?" Jazz said, stepping in front of her, his smile pleasant as he planted himself between Cinderella and Cheshire.

"Surely our own King and Queen," Prince Andrew added, looking towards the sovereign couple. "Your Majesties," he said, smiling at his parents.

"No, no," Cheshire snapped, glaring at The Crown Prince, "The Duchess represents everything that is mystery and magic at this festival. She should have the honour."

"Mother," Prince Andrew said, rolling smoothly over Cheshire.

"You first," Jazz added.

The Queen was giving both young men a suspicious look, but nonetheless reached back and untied her mask, revealing her elegant features.

The King followed suit and a second later Prince Anthony rushed forward, pulling his mask off, proclaiming that it was a sin to hide his handsome face from the crowd, making the guests laugh.

Princess Charlotte came forwards a second later, removing her mask, openly reprimanding him, followed by Princess Grace and Prince Theodore.

"Speaking of handsome faces," Beldon said breezily, sweeping down from the stage and pulling his black mask away, flashing a smile at one of the woman close by, who instantly looked like she would faint. "Why not remove your mask, my lady?" he asked, bowing to her.

Without a thought, the woman obliged and that was it.

Everyone started removing their masks, laughing and talking over each other, distracted for the moment from who The Duchess might or might not be, all just wanting to see who they had been around.

There were surprised cries and startled laughter.

Cinderella inched back, eyes flicking to the stairs that would lead her away, and a hand closed on her arm.

"Your turn, Duchess," Cheshire whispered in her ear, his hot, close breath making her shiver as ice ran down her back.

She whirled towards him, striking his hand, expecting him to release her but his grip tightened and his hand shot up, catching the edge of the mask and pulling.

Cinderella let out a cry, pain yanking her scalp but the mask didn't fall away.

It was so securely pinned into her hair Cheshire would have to wrench it off her face.

The look he gave her suggested he might do just that.

A hand shot between them, grabbing his wrist hard and they both looked around and stared in surprise because it was Prince Anthony who stood beside them, his dazzling smile barely hiding his annoyance.

"That's not the way to treat a lady," he said, prising Cheshire's hand off Cinderella's arm.

Cinderella took three steps back, spun away and someone took her hand.

The clock struck midnight.

Echoing chimes thundered through the courtyard and Cinderella looked up to the person who had her hand seconds before she was yanked forwards and rushed through the crowds, people hurrying out of the way, calling for her to wait.

Cinderella stared at the woman in confusion.

It was the ebony haired lady she had seen her godfather with, her emerald eyes gleaming in the candlelight.

"Wait," Cinderella gasped as they ran for the stairs, lifting their skirts and racing up.

The woman glanced back at her and shot her a bright smile, squeezing her hand, her cool skin surprisingly reassuring against Cinderella's icy palm.

"No time to wait, dear," she said, "While people are distracted. While Beldon can detain Cheshire, I think it is time for you to depart."

"Wait, who are—?"

Cinderella almost fell over her feet as they reached the hall above and swept across it.

"Briar, Beldon's sister-in-law," the woman shot back, then smiled, "so family to you."


The shout behind them back them glance back for just a second before speeding up. They reached the top of the steps that led down. Cinderella saw her carriage below and Lady Briar spun Cinderella towards her, holding her at arm's length before smiling and hugging her tightly.

"Lady Constantia is leaving," she whispered in her ear, "she has her suspicions, leave now and you will beat her home by minutes but leave now." She leant back and smiled. "Until next time," she said before lifting her skirts and racing away, down the hall rather than back to the ballroom.

Cinderella didn't think twice.

She gathered her skirts, hiking them higher than she ever would in company, and ran, the chimes of the clock echoing around her, following her as she sped down towards her carriage, the doors flying open for her, the footman starting up the steps to meet her


This time she knew the voice.

She stumbled, looking back as Jazz appeared at the top.

She almost waited, turned back to him as he dashed to follow her but she didn't. She had to go, she had to get back before her stepmother so she turned and kept running.

"Let me help you!" Jazz shouted after her, "You don't have to handle this alone! Let me help!"

And suddenly Cinderella's balance failed her and she almost fell head over feet as one of her shoes changed size and fell from her foot.

She scrambled to keep her balance, letting out a shriek, arms flailing and the arms of the footman appeared, catching her.

She stared back at the shoe, the beautiful, impossible piece of glass glinting at her as the footman hurried her away. She glanced back towards Jazz who was still running to try and catch them before she paused, reached down, wrenched off her other shoe to stable herself before turning and running. She all but dove into the carriage, the footman jumping onto the back as they took off.

Leaning out of the window, she saw Jazz at the bottom of the steps, staring after her.

And not too far behind was Prince Andrew, crouching down and lifting her abandoned shoe.

He looked towards the departing carriage and Cinderella threw out a hand, waving.

"Goodbye!" she shouted and a sudden flush of tears took her breath away as she watched Jazz quickly shrink away.

She had a sudden, horrible; flash through her heart that it would be the last time she would see Jazz.

But that wasn't it. It was the last time she would see him, any of them, as The Duchess, someone respected and free to do as she wished.

She sat back in her seat, looking forwards, not wanting to see the second Jazz faded from sight.


It was only time.

Perhaps she would never be a duchess but it was only a matter of time before she would once again stand as a countess.


Next Up:.... Monday... again -.-

Art By: Kagaya Shu Takaki

........ We don't talk about the fact that i clearly have no self control and wanted to get this chapter out -.-

Dancing on GlassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora