Wicked Words in the Moonlight

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She had never danced like this before.

Jazz was an incredible dancer, the movements as easy as walking for him. They spun around the floor, him holding her close and guiding her when she needed it.

The feeling of pure freedom was like an ecstasy, making them both laugh as they whirled around, other dancers moving to the side-lines to free up the space and to watch them.

Cinderella couldn't help feeling, underneath it all, a resentment for her stepmother. This wasn't like her dance classes. This was what dancing was supposed to feel like and her stepmother had spent years denying her that joy.

She crushed the resentment before it could bubble up.

She wouldn't let her stepmother ruin this night as well as every other one – not when the woman wasn't even speaking to her.

Jazz held her close and she gripped his hand tight before he spun her away from him, her gown flaring out around her before he whirled her back towards him, arm wrapping around her waist, laughing as she let out a small squeak at the fast movements.

"I didn't know you could dance like this," he said.

"Neither did I," Cinderella laughed. He held their clasped hands above her head as he span her, then pulled her close again, spinning around before spinning her again. It was like they had danced together all their lives.

She hadn't even noticed that the musicians were playing faster and faster to keep up with the pair as they skated across the floor, everyone watching them now, people clapping along to the beat.

Cinderella beamed in delight as Jazz locked an arm around her waist and span her so fast he lifted her right off the floor. She landed on the balls of her feet and span away and, for a split second, noticed something that made her heart freeze.

Her stepsisters.

They were stood on the edge of the dance floor, watching like everyone else. Giselle with her hands on her hips, Jezabelle with her arms gracefully folded over her waist, both frowning.

For a second of horror she thought they might recognise her.

But no.

Even as she span close, close enough to see their eyes, there was no flash of recognition there.

They had no idea who she was.

Just a dancer flying around the floor.

The mystery guest.

The thought made her smile and she span back to Jazz just as the musicians hit the crescendo of the music and Jazz caught her and everything stopped.

There was silence for a moment, then everyone started to clap.

Jazz smiled at her, drawing her hand up and kissing the knuckles before stepping back and bowing low. Cinderella dropped into a curtsy and people swarmed forwards to congratulate them on the dance, quickly drawing them apart, Jazz's fingers slipping for hers even as she tried to hold on.

"That was wonderful, Duchess!"

"Where did you learn to dance?"

"Who is your instructor?"

"Is your dance card full?"

"You must attend our assembly this weekend!"


A voice cut through the din and everyone parted as Prince Andrew appeared. Cinderella turned to him, touching her mask as if it might of slipped.

The Crown Prince was silent for a moment, his eyes travelling the length of her, taking her in, before giving her a shallow bow. She quickly dropped back into a curtsy and he held out a hand.

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