Chapter 19: I'm in your Living Room

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The picture oozed into a large mess on the floor. Vermon ran out of her mother's bedroom and closed the door behind her. She was about to run into the living room when she saw something waiting at the door. Someone's naked body with different features of a human. It had two left feet, one perfect knee and the other twisted. Two left hands and one perfect arm while the other twisted. Its face was that of an owl, large black oval eyes and light brown and white fur. What chilled Vermon to the bone, is that it also had thick curly hair and two human eyebrows. This was a creation beyond evil and twisted. Every time it blinked made Vermon's legs weaker and weaker.

"I'm in your living room," it said, then faded away before her eyes.

Vermon's mother unlocked the front door and walked inside. Vermon stared at her, scared at what she had seen just a moment ago.

"There's something after me, mom. You have to believe me," she ran into her mother's arms. "He's in here!"

Jacqueline rubbed Vermon's hair. "Shush, everything's going to be okay," she said, leading Vermon to the couch. When Vermon sat down, her mother went into the kitchen. "You know you still have more people to talk to."

Vermon sighed. "I'm not talking to any more dead people!" she yelled out. "Why aren't you listening? All you care about is the money but I'm in danger!"

Jacqueline scowled at her. "Nothing is after you! It's all in your head. Now, I told those people that you'll be there at 7. You two hour to get your act together."

Vermon stood up and walked toward the door. "If you're not going to help me, then I'll find someone who will." She then ran out of the house, shutting the door behind her. She walked a few feet away from the house, but when she looked back she saw her mother staring out the window. She then saw something behind her mother, staring at her. It had two large eyes, a beak, and human hair...

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