Chapter Nineteen: The Grandparents

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Sergio couldn't help but feel nervous when Albert and Charlene stepped into the hospital room, he had never meet Camille's father and step-mother before and he wasn't entirely sure how they would react to him.

This wasn't the ideal situation and Sergio knew that his daughter's conception had offered up problems that even he still didn't know about now but he wasn't going to back down.

"Congratulations," Charlene gushed smiling down at the baby that was sleeping in Camille's arms, she was in awe of the little girl who reminded her so much of Gabriella.

It made her miss how small Jacques and Gabriella had been when they had been born, she adored cuddling them and she was sure that Camille would be a wonderful mother.

Isabel was completely unaware of the important guests that had arrived and that they were here to see her; the little girl had no idea that her entire life would be very different from those around her.

"What name did you choose?" Albert asked curiously, there were so many people guessing what the name of Camille's child would be and he hoped that they had picked something sensible.

The last thing that Albert wanted was his granddaughter to be named something stupid like Apple, Royalty, North or Bunny; he had tried to keep his views to himself but he didn't know what would happen now.

"Isabel," Camille replied knowing that there had been quite a few people that had been trying to guess what the baby's name would be and she was glad that no one would have guessed it.

There was no telling what was going to happen when they left the hospital but Camille was hoping that things would settle down rather quickly.

Albert nodded his head, he was a little relieved by the choose and he was sure the people would be pleased with the name; the little girl had been long awaited and she was his first grandchild.

Albert wished that he could offer more for Isabel, she was going to be treated differently to her older aunt and uncle because of how she had been born and he knew that was bound to make her ask questions one day.

"That's a wonderful name," Charlene encouraged a little relieved that Isabel hadn't been directly named after Albert's first wife; a middle name she could handle but a first would have been haunting.

Still people compared Charlene to Amelia Borbón-Dos Sicilias even though the woman had been dead for twenty-one years now; she was a figure that Charlene just couldn't escape from no matter how hard she tried.

Camille nodded her head as she peeked down at Isabel, she wondered how her mother would have felt at her first grandchild and she couldn't help but miss Amelia at times like this.

Sergio was silent in the seat, he couldn't help but notice that tension that appeared and he had no idea what to make of it; he wanted the best for his daughter and he hoped everyone here agreed.

There was quite a bit of talk about the fact that Princess Camille of Monaco, Duchess of Valentinois's daughter would not hold a title like the rest of her family.

Sergio wasn't sure what that meant when it came to raising Isabel, things would be normal for now but she wasn't going to be like the other royal children around her.

Camille had tried to talk to him about this and she was just as lost as he was about how this would affect their daughter; nothing was clear even if Albert wanted the best for his granddaughter.

Isabel was important to both Sergio and Camille but something was going to have to change if they were going to give their daughter what she deserved.


"Madre?" Sergio asked surprised to see his mother and father arriving together, he hadn't even known that his mother had come to Monaco with his father; he was a little worried about what this meant.

Sergio had been so focused on Isabel that he hadn't given much thought about his family, he had guessed that Paqui would avoid coming here when her grandchild was born.

"Hola Sergio," Paqui greeted nervously, she hadn't known what sort of welcome that she would receive when she had arrived but José María had insisted that she do the right thing.

The two of them had done a lot of talking while they waited to be invited to the hospital, the home that Camille had was very beautiful and they had talked a lot about what had happened between them.

Things were far from fixed between the two of them but they had come here to meet their grandchild and they were surprised at how many people were outside.

"There's quite a lot of people out there," José María mused surprised at how the entire country seemed to come to a stop to celebrate the birth of his granddaughter; he was looking forward to seeing her and he hoped that everything was well.

Sergio nodded his head, he eyed his mother for a moment before allowing his parents into the hospital room; he was going to be keeping a close eye on her while they were here.

"Padre... Madre... this is Camille," Sergio introduced moving back towards his seat, they had been enjoying the quiet that had settled once Albert and Charlene had left the room.

The last thing that they had wanted to do was talk about all the what-ifs that were lingering in the air; they had already settled on Isabel's god-parents.

King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, President François Hollande of France, The Princess of Hanover, Iker Casillas and Jazmin Grimaldi had all been selected.

The suggestions had been long and it had taken the pair some time to agree on what they had wanted; they had opted to celebrate their daughter's heritage in their choices.

King Felipe, Queen Letizia and Iker Casillas had all been selected to support Isabel's paternal heritage; they would not only showcase that the little girl was half-Spanish but would keep the council happy.

Then there was the Princess of Hanover and Jazmin who would support Isabel's maternal heritage, both being Camille's aunt and half-sister respectively.

While President François had been selected to strengthen France's interests in this affair, the royal family all spoke French and the location of Monaco had it clear that they needed to not just pick Spanish god-parents but French as well.

"And this is Isabel," Sergio whispered picking up his little girl, he fussed over how beautiful she was and he was sure that his parents would adore her.

Camille was a little wary of having both Paqui and José María here with them, it was no secret that Paqui hadn't been pleased with the situation that she and Sergio were in.

"Isabel?" Paqui whispered admiring her granddaughter, she was a little surprised but the little girl was so cute and she was so happy that she had come here.

The idea of missing out on something like this upset her and Paqui knew that she had so much to make up for and she had been terrible to Sergio since all of this had started.

He would have had every right to turn her away at the hospital door and Paqui wouldn't have blamed him; she had been horrible and she wished that she could take it back.

"Isabel Amelia Paqui Ramos Grimaldi," Sergio revealed knowing just how much it would mean to his mother to have a grandchild holding her name in such a way. m

My Little Princesaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें