Chapter Eleven: Beginning of the End

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"I can't believe that there are so many of them out there," Marcus said shaking his head as he looked out of the building, he could not believe that they had gathered outside of the theatre like this. 

Camille nodded her head, she had rather enjoyed the evening that she'd had even if it was her first royal engagement since Pilar had broken the news of her pregnancy to the world. 

The royal engagement had gone well and Camille was relieved that she hadn't had to worry about it too much; she had enjoyed herself watching the play and now it was time to head home. 

Camille had just finished meeting the cast when Marcus had expressed his concern about the increasing number of paparazzi outside of the building. 

"It'll be fine," Camille reassured him, she doubted that anything could really happen when they stepped outside; they had security with them and she was sure they would keep them safe. 

Marcus didn't say anything as Charlene approached them, he nodded his head to her and stepped back knowing that Camille was probably right about nothing serious happening. 

Charlene and Camille exited the theatre and were stunned with how many people were outside, lights flashed in their faces making the two women a little anxious about what was happening. 

Neither of them had ever seen the press so bad before and both of them were relieved to get into the car that was waiting for them. 

This had been the first time that the Princess of Monaco and the Duchess of Valentinois had done an engagement together and it had gone well after everything that had happened. 

Camille let out a relieved breath as she pulled on her seatbelt, she felt a little nervous as the car door shut behind Charlene and the press surged forward still trying to take pictures of them.

The car pulled away from the theatre and Camille was almost relieved that they were leaving that nightmare behind; she leant back in her seat hoping that they would reach the palace soon. 

Driving away from the theatre, Camille allowed herself to relax a little glad that the windows were tinted enough so that the paparazzi couldn't get clear photographs of them while they travelled. 

Charlene blinked confused as she felt the car slowly speed up, she looked towards Camille seeing that her step-daughter had also noticed that the car was getting faster. 

"Is there a problem?" Charlene asked wondering what was going on, she didn't like this and it set her on edge that they were starting to drive faster than they usually did to get home. 

Camille swallowed nervously, she didn't like this and she rested a hand on her bump; her silver beaded maxi dress reflecting the street lights into the car, it gave her something to focus on as the car seemed to move even faster. 

"My deepest apologises, Your Serene Highness... we are being followed by paparazzi in the car and motorbike behind us," the driver stated looking back at his passengers, he didn't like this and the car behind them seemed right on their tail. 

Camille looked over her shoulder at the car behind them, she was surprised to see how close the car was to their bumper and it made her worry. 

"Stop the car," Charlene ordered trying to gain control of the situation, she did not like this and she could not imagine what would happen if they did not stop this. 

Images of what had happened in Paris 1997 flashed through her mind and Charlene could only imagine what would happen to her and Camille if the same happened her. 

"Watch out," the security guard in the front yelled as a man stepped off the path into the way of the car, the driver barely had chance to swerve out the way to avoid the man before sending the speeding car towards a pillar.


Pilar rolled her eyes as she watched Sergio pay close attention to their sons, things were not going well for them and she hated the fact that Sergio was determined to be there for his unborn child. 

It had made the situation between them even more difficult than it had been, she had no idea how to fix this and she could only imagine what would happen when the baby was born. 

The last thing that Pilar wanted was for Junior or Marco to spend time with the child that their father was having with another woman; if she had her way then they would never meet their half-sibling. 

The sound of the phone ringing made Pilar snap out of her thoughts, she looked across the room towards Sergio and watched as he answered his mobile. 

It didn't take her much to guess that this was all down to Camille, Pilar wondered what the woman could want now; she felt angry and she knew that she shouldn't lay all the blame on Camille's shoulders. 

Sergio felt sick as Jorge told him what had happened in Monaco, he couldn't believe what he was hearing and he knew that if he turned on the news that it would be there. 

"I have to go to Monaco," Sergio said ending the call and getting to his feet, he would need to pack a bag and he was sure that the team would understand why he would be gone. 

Junior and Marco stared up at him, sad that their father wasn't finishing their game; they continued playing anyway knowing he would finish later. 

"Why?" Pilar asked hating that Camille had some sort of power of her boyfriend, he was always gushing over the scans that he had and making arrangements to see the other woman.

Sergio rolled his eyes, he should have known that Pilar would react like this but he wasn't going to change his mind just because her feelings were hurt; he was growing tired of how she was treating him. 

"Camille was in a car crash... they've rushed her to hospital," Sergio stated recalling what Jorge had said, he feared for their unborn child and he prayed that they were alright. 

At least Camille had been wearing her seatbelt and Sergio hoped that had protected her in some way; he couldn't imagine what the media was going to be like when he left the house. 

"Surely she doesn't need you there," Pilar scoffed with a shake of her head, she didn't see why he was rushing off when he had been enjoying a lovely evening with her and the children. 

"I don't care if she does... I'm going anyway," Sergio said with a shake of his head, he didn't know what she expected him to do but he wasn't just going to sit here waiting for news. 

Camille was the mother of his unborn child and he was going to make sure that she was okay; he couldn't imagine what was going on while he was stuck in Madrid. 

It was pretty late in the evening and Sergio quickly headed upstairs to pack a bag and find his passport not wasting a moment; he needed to get to Monaco and quickly. 

"If you leave then we are done," Pilar said hurrying after Sergio when he started towards the door, she wanted nothing more than to put a stop to this right now. 

This was the final chance that she had to make him see that this entire situation was useless and that he was better focusing on them and not the other woman and child. 

Sergio turned to look at Pilar, anger filling him that she was doing this now; he was so angry that she still thought that he would walk away from his child. 

"Then I guess we are done," Sergio said before turning and walking away from Pilar, he was doing the right thing for them all. 

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