Chapter Twenty-Six- And it happened!

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Chapter Twenty-Six: And it happened!

When I thought this day couldn't get any worse than it already was, I saw two awfully familiar people standing in the half empty parking lot- obviously waiting for me.

I sighed. Not now. 'Definitely not the good time, mom and dad.' I thought.

The urge to ignore and run back inside the school was very strong but, not strong enough. Having no choice, because they had too spotted me, I walked over to them with really slow steps and my dad noticed it. But, magically he didn't make a comment on it.

Dad was his usual self all dressed in his perfect Armani gray suit, his hair gelled back, his face was deadpan while Mom looked a bit off than she usually looked. She was wearing less than usual makeup- just a little lipstick. Her hair were left loose- something she never let it happen. Her long black coat hid her outfit but, I could see her black stockings and black medium heels.

Mom weakly smiled at me, once I was close enough. Dad didn't smile- not like I was expecting one.

I stayed poker faced, trying to play cool. Getting emotional again wasn't such a good idea for me.

"How are you dear?" Mom grabbed me in a hug. Quickly, I pulled away and step back, looking anywhere but at her. I knew I'd hurt her but, what they both did to me was not... Forgivable. I mean who does that to their own child. Unless... I'm not.

OHMYGOD! What if I'm adopted?

I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"I get that you're mad at us and you have all the reason to be but, please just hear us out Mich." Mom said using the name she used when I was a little kid and mom used to at least try to be around.

Dad's harsh voice pipped in, "The car's waiting for us at the front gate. We want you to come with us." he wasn't asking. I wasn't in the mood to take orders. Definitely not.

I snorted. Just couldn't hold it back.

He glared back at me with wide eyes as if I'd just put a disgrace on his perfect reputation.

I lowered my gaze, playing with the small rock beside my foot. "Well, you guys want tour of my school- considering it's your first visit here." I couldn't keep the sarcasm off my tone.

Dad rolled his eyes and placed his hands in his pant's pocket. I did the same. Mom sighed, tears rushing down her cheeks.

I didn't want to hurt her. But, she did hurt me.

"I can't come with you." I spoke, softly towards mum. I added, "Kim kinda needs me right now." I couldn't tell them the real reason or dad would've definitely banner Kim from my life to save his reputation. Being pregnant at seventeen in high school wasn't considered such a graceful thing for him or I guess any parent in this town.

I took a step back when mom looked up in my eyes, and smiled. "But, will you come back home?"

I looked around. Some students eavesdropping on our convo. Perfect! Just what I wanted. Only in matter of hours the entire school will have an episode of Reynold family drama.

I looked back at mum and shook my head. "Can't. I need some more time. I will, when I will be ready" I told, sternly, having no cue about when that WHEN will be.

Dad shifted and grabbed mum's hand. "Take care, hon. We love you." She mumbled, before dad took her away without a word at me. I couldn't remember how he was like when I was little... just maybe, maybe he was like a normal dad to me.

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