Chapter Eighteen- I don't bite

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Chapter Eighteen: I don't bite.

The alarm buzzed on, jerking me up, as I desperately and vigorously tapped my hand here and there on the side table— where the alarm clock probably should be, to make it stop. When the buzz finally died, I sat back up, yawning and desiring for some more sleep but, it wasn't a possibility.

I climbed of the bed and tossed aside the curtains blocking the window. It was still dark outside. I smiled as the cold breeze hit my skin, giving me goosebumps.

I'd never woken up this early in my entire life and that too for someone else! He better appreciate all this.

I rushed into my closet and grabbed my sky blue jeans and long baby pink shirt, which was a little transey. I ran into the bathroom not wasting a single minute of my precious time.

After a quick wash, I scrambled into my fresh clothes whose material was cold against my skin. Water dripped from my blondes but, there was no way I was wasting time drying them with the loud dryer, making my parents suspicious as their room was on the same floor as mine; just on the other end of the hallway.

I tried to soak some water off my hair with the help of the towel and clutched some of my hair at the back of my head. I wore a single line of eyeliner, fresh coat of mascara, and a little lip gloss over my lips.

Wearing my comfy heels, I grabbed my bag and without even causing a single noise, I strolled downstairs directly towards Marissa's room.

She had to be my knight in the shining armour!

What if—

Just shut up, Elle. There's no what if here!

I flickered the lights on of her room, as I made my way towards her bed.

Marissa was peacefully sleeping with her mouth tad open. As much as I enjoyed the hilarious scene in front of me, I had to destroy her bubble of dream.

This wasn't the way I exactly planned on but, I was left with no choice.

Thanks dad.

"Hey..." I whispered in her ears—louder than I should, jolting her up but, immediately, I kept a hand on her mouth, restraining her from screaming for GOD.

"It's me. Everything's fine, I just need your help..."

I removed my hand once she opened her dead shut eyes and realized I was no thief or serial killer. "Ms. Michelle, its 4:30 in the morning. What are you doing in here? Is everything alright? Are you hungry?"

I opened my mouth to speak but, not before she started again.

Her eyebrows scrunched up as she added, "And you're all dressed up? But, you're grounded...aren't you? Today's no school."

"Oh, god Merissa! You ask so much... At least let me speak?" I snapped, annoyed. Mornings are never my best suit.

"Sorry, Ms. Michelle." She sat up properly and waited for me to explain.

Her eyes were puffy but, I bet not more than mine. I was sacrificing my beauty sleep!!

"I have to go somewhere. I know I'm not allowed to go anywhere other than school but, todays' Saturday; which means no school. Please, Marissa, I will explain you everything on the way. But, not right now. We've to leave before my parents wake up. Please please please??" I hissed because I didn't want my parent to get even a zilch bit curious.

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