Chapter 22

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It was Saturday, me, Claire, Callum and Victoria are having a sleepover.

Callum and Victoria are like male and female versions of each other, they comunicate by eye contact and always laugh, yawn, cough or sneeze at the same time. Many people think they go out but they're bestfriends since they were three.

"Hey, you heard the new boy in school? He's coming on Monday, he's super cute, a badass and a player." Victoria screamed.

"How original." I replied.


"So Girls....and guys" Said Victoria looking at Callum.

"Who do you like, 3 secounds of truth, truth and truth only!"




I said no one, Claire reamined quiet but, I knew she's lying.
Victoria squeeled Liam; her crush, and Callum said he's too fabulous to date.

"Oh come on guys!" Screamed Victoria, annoyed.

"I need to go use the restroom." I said.

On my way back, I heard my name called out, I had to eardrop.

"Come on Claire! Just tell Amber that you like him, they broke up two months ago!" Victoria said quite loudly.

"Shut up! She'll hear it." Claire replied.

I walked into the room and acted normal.

"Lets make food!" Callum screamed, that's why I love him, he loves food, he shares food and we love the same food.

We walked to the kitchen and got some ice-cream, and made fries.
I was being really quiet I mean my bestfriend likes the boy I love!

We ate, watched some movies and then went to sleep.


It was now Sunday, me and Victoria are going to the beach today, Claire is babysitting and Callum is joining us later.

I wore blue shorts and a black crop top.

Then i wore this swimsuit underneath.

Then i wore this swimsuit underneath

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(This isn't Amber).

We were ready to leave for the beach, we sat in Victoria's car and set off. She had a black short jumpsuit going just over her thigh, she had her hair in a bun and i had mine in french plats.

This was Victoria's bikini.

This was Victoria's bikini

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