Chapter 24: Dilemma 1

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Am I dreaming? Ethan Clarington just kissed me. Though it was only on cheek but it counts right?

When he left the room, I felt like flying. Oh My God. This was like the best day of my life.

Woah, best day of my life? I just got beaten up by my jerk ex boyfriend, leaving bruises to my knee and my stomach.

I couldn't believe that Mike would ever lay his hand on me. I thought he was the gentle one.

Now my only problem is: What am I gonna do with Ethan? After everything he had done to me made me felt the greatest dilemma in my life.

He confessed his feelings to me and came to Mike's dorm to punch him for me. I'd never had any guys that would do such thing for me. I kind of like his protective side.

I should call Hailey. She's the only person I can take advice with. I grabbed my cell and called her. She answered in second ring.

"Linda? Are you okay?", she asked, concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just need some advice from you", I said almost whispering.

"Why are whispering?"

"It's about Ethan"

"Oh, what about him? Is something happened after I left?", she asked, curiosity filled her voice.

"Yeah. Something like that", I sighed.

"Belinda Emily Michaelson, tell me everything and don't you dare keeping it from me", she almost shouted on the phone making me tilded my head aside.

"You remember when Ethan went out?", I asked.

"Yeah? Go on"

"He was coming for Mike and kicked his ass", I said.

"What? Really? That's why he asked where Mike was. And?"

"He kissed me...",

"OMG! HE KISSED YOU?", she shouted from her phone.

"On the cheek", I finished my sentence. And she groaned.

"Man, not like I expected" she grumbled.

I chuckled. "I know. But it was still amazing though. I don't know what this feeling is" I sighed.

"It means you're in love", I could sense her smirk.

"Nooo. It's not like that...",

"I know this might freak you out, but it's true. You can't fool yourself, Lin", she said.

"But, I really don't...."

"Listen. You're just saying this because you're scared. After what happened today, you're afraid to trust guys again, don't you?"

I silenced and took a deep breath. "Well, I guess so"

"It's okay, Lin. Just take your time to heal from Mike things"

"But, what if he can't wait for me anymore?", I almost cried.

"Well, that's impossible because he's waited for damn 10 years. For you. And from what I saw and heard just now, he truely loves you, Linda"

I kept silent. I didn't know what to say.

"Hey, I know you're confused now. But, try to open your heart to him", she said again.

"OK", I whispered. I hang up and I had tears in my eyes. Should I open my heart to him? I knew I liked him but I didn't know if I love him or not.

And I didn't want to be hurt anymore. I just didn't. I had full of craps already like my parents, my life, Mike. I couldn't take it anymore.

I didn't eat dinner that night. I told Ethan that I had to complete my notes that I missed that day.

It was partly true. The real reason was I didn't want to face him. After our little 'intimate' time, I was too chicken to look him in the eyes.

I was still working on the notes until 9 PM. I could finish it earlier but I killed time by writing it neatly, which wasn't my style.

My handwriting was usually sloppy and it was hardly read by people, except Hailey. She getting used to read my bad handwriting.

After finishing the notes, I was about to clean up when I heard a knock. It was Ethan with a tray of food.

"Hey, I made you dinner. I know you didn't want to but you should eat something. You didn't have your lunch either, did you?", he asked.

I shook my head. I was actually starving.

"I thought so", he smiled and placed it on my bed side table.

"Eat up. It's your favourite", he said before leaving the room.

I stood up to see what food he made. It was a big plate of mac and cheese and a glass of orange juice. He remembered.

Since I was starving, I grab the fork and ate the whole plate. It was delicious and fitted for two people to eat.

I was so full that I started getting sleepy. I grabbed the dishes and washed it in the kitchen. I didn't see him anywhere. Maybe he was in his room.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth then heading to bed. I was so sleepy that I was drifted to sleep once my head touched the pillow.

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