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"I can't believe we're actually going back." I say with a pout as I fiddle with the bottom of my purple dress. Earlier today Noah woke me up at 8 AM saying we have a long way back and we stopped at the gas station to change. I was wearing a dark purple, simple dress with a black hat and a doodled cross bag a along with my black converse. We have been driving for several hours now and I was just thinking about what I am gonna do. Noah told me we were gonna arrive at night and spend some time at the beach but he was kinda nervous when he told me, which was kinda weird.

"Yeah, I can't believe it as well." He says as he glances at me before taking a left.

"This was actually the best road trip ever!" I say as I lift my hand up. He laughs at me and grabs a chip chucking it in his mouth. I take a sip of my coffee we bought a while ago. We both became caffeine addicted. I pull my knees to my chest as I drink the warm beverage.

"You know, I never wanted to get out of town before now." I bubble in suddenly.

"Why?" he asks as he quickly glances at me.

"I liked it there, with my friends and me being the 'Sunshine' of the school, I liked it. But now, I want nothing more than to get out of here." I say.

"That's totally wrong. Something was holding you down. You can tell me, don't lie." He says.

"Fine, I didn't wanna leave mom." I say. "She would've been alone." I add.

"And what changed your opinion now?" he says. My eyes go wide.

"I don't know, probably becoming 18 adrenaline rush or something. But I don't know." I say as I shrug. Wow, good lie.

"Yeah, I remember when I became 18 I wanted to do it all. Zach and I went to Aiden's and it wasn't a good choice, I tell you. He made me drink a whole lot my head was going to explode the next day. We went to The Blue Stone that day, not a good option too. I promised myself it would be the first and last time I drink that much." He says with a shudder at the memory. I laugh at him before grabbing a Reese's bar and staring guiltily at it. Noah glances at me and groans.

"You're not fat, Alexa, eat it." he says with a stern voice. I look at the bar guiltily again.

"But, I have been eating a lot these past days." I whine.

"And for a weird reason, you look like you lost weight since 3 days ago. Eat it, Alexa." He says with, again, a stern voice.

"Fine! But if I become fat, I blame you." I say as I un-wrap the bar.

"I don't mind if you get some meat on top of your bones, you're a twig." He says as we take a U-turn.

"Kinda true, I have high metabolism." I say the first excuse in my head. He hums as he focuses on the road again.

"Can I drive again?" I pipe in suddenly when the clock hits 4 PM.

"No, I've let you do this once I am never going to let you do it again." He says.

"Why?" I whine as I sit up.

"Because this is my baby." He says with a whine.

"Noah, I saw you fidget in your seat because your back hurts you. Let me drive, we are already 4 hours away, let's just do it." I say. He sighs loudly before pulling over.

"I am only doing this because I have a bruise on my back that didn't heal till now, unfortunately." He says as we exchange seats.

"What bruise?" I say as I turn on the car again and stepping on the gas as we complete going on the road.

Alexa. (#1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt