Flightless Bird

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Everyone was staring at me with shock written all over their faces. What happened? Why are they all staring still me. As I turned around my eyes were met with Theo's. When did I move in front of him? A warmth was spreading across my stomach. It felt like a liquid that spreads thinly, but quickly.

As I moved my hand a metallic smell drifted up to my nose. My hand was covered in a red spread. As I looked down blood spread along the center of my dress. "Theo?" dizziness started sweeping over my body and my legs started descending to the ground. "NO!" Theo just barley broke my fall by catching me in his arms. My skin registered that there was pressure on it but I personally did not.

Shock slowly drained out of my system and was replaced with pain. There was just a small section that felt like each individual nerve was sliced open. James ran over and helped Theo. "Keep pressure on it." He instructed. My brother's hands replaced his as he got up.

A hunter was right in his path and he ripped his head off with his bare hands. All hell broke loose after that. Wolfs fought with hunters and body's fell to the ground. Theo walked right to Eric in rage. "Nobody touch Eric! He is mine!"

As Theo approached him, Eric dropped his grin. "It's too bad she got in the way. I rather like her. She was so feisty during our time together. Didn't want to give you up while you slept with another woman." His fist pulled back and landed on square on Theo's jaw.

He stumbled back a bit before kicking Eric straight in the chest. Red flashed across my vision as I attempted to watch them. Was Theo bleeding? James pressed harder on my stomach. "Come on Abbie! I will kill you if you die on me!" How did that make sense?

Theo grabbed Eric by the throat and held him against a tree. As Eric tried to claw his way out of Theo's grasp Theo smashed his head against Eric's. Blood was all I could see. Blood lined Eric's face and Theo's suit. It was all over my brothers hands and spread all across my dress. The grass and aisle were more red than their original color.

A dizziness started to set into my head. Black dots were obstructing my vision. I couldn't let them win. Can Theo forgive me if I die? Can I forgive myself? I have to. I have to live. I am not done. Theo needs me. James needs me. I have more to do with my life. I have more dances to dance. I want my own family.

Blood came out of the corner of my mouth as I coughed a bit. Everyone was screaming. Either they were scared of the fight between hunters and werewolves, or they had just seen a loved one murdered. I however was faced with the sight of the pack Doctor dead.

I am scared too. It isn't the prospect of death staring me right in the face that scared me. Death had stared me in the face more then once this past year. It was Theo dying that scared me.

My strength was slowly fading as I saw Eric knee Theo in the stomach and dropping to the ground. Before he could get back into a fighting stance Theo put his hands on either side of his head. "I'm done with your hunters going after my pack." Eric was forever silenced by Theo ripping his head off. Shortly after, a choirs of necks snapping rung through the trees.

I am so tired. Could I just sleep? Even for just a few minuets. My eyes closed but opened straight back up. "ABIGAIL! DON'T YOU DARE FALL ASLEEP ON ME!" Theo yelled. "James, call an ambulance." He ordered.

"I already did. They are held up by an accident about fifteen minutes from here." Theo punched the ground in rage. "Damn it James! She doesn't have fifteen minutes!" Theo slid his arms around my body and lifted me off the ground. "I'm taking her there myself." If only I could hold on until then I'll be fine.

Theo took off running faster then I had ever seen him run. More often my vision would go dark. "Theo." I wheezed out. It was like he couldn't hear me. He just kept running. "Theo." I tried again reaching to touch his face. If I was going to die I want to remember his touch last. "Don't think like that! You are going to be fine."

Was I though? "Please, Theo I'm tired and running through the woods isn't helping." If anything he picked up speed. My breathing became labored. "Theo...I'm....cold." I forced out in between breaths.

He slowed down and set me down on the ground. Quickly he took off his suit coat and wrapped it around me. He was such a gentleman. "Abbie, you are so pale." He said with a sigh. "That's what happens when you lose blood." He laughed a small bit and so did I. My laugh turned into a cough. Theo picked me up and started to run again.

"Theo." My eyes started to droop as a numbing sensation ran through my body. Tears were forming in the corner of his eyes. With shaking hands I reached up and wiped them away. Each nerve slowly started to die with me. Far in the distance I saw lights of a hospital. "I can't fly. I'm a flightless bird."

Theo started to slow down a bit. "Abbie, don't start talking like that. Can't you see up ahead? We are almost there." The confidence I loved about him was shaking. "It's true though. I can't feel anything."

"Abbie, you will fly again. In a year or so we will have our pups to raise. A little boy at first. Name him Jonathan after your father. Maybe a little girl after. We can name her Prim. I know you loved her in The Hunger Games." I wanted all of that.

"And each Sunday, we'll go down to the beach you took me to after I woke up from the car accident." I added. "Exactly." I could picture it all now.

A boy about seven with Theo's hair but my eyes running around the water. Trailing behind him a girl  about five with blonde hair and Theo's eyes. Theo with his arms wrapped around me as we watched them. "You'll teach Prim how to dance like the swan you are." Tears streamed down his face.

"I'll make sure you fly again. My flightless bird," He said stroking my face. "I love you. I love you so much. Please, don't let death dampen your wings. Don't let him ground you. Please, fly again." A smile spread across my face and my eyes started drifting shut as a freezing sensation settled in and a pressure was lifted off my chest.

"I love you my little bird.  No matter if you are a flightless bird. I love you."

A tear fell on my cheek.

And then there was nothing.

There was nothing but three words before I was taken from this world.

"I love you."

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