God Help The Outcast's

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"You sons of bitches!" I screamed at them. "Now, now Abigail. I'm sure your father would not approve of his daughter using such language." Professor Morgan whispered in a sinister tone. I was still staring at the head of my father. Sobs raked through my body.

I was let go and used it to my advantage. Using my foot I did a back kick that landed on Professor Morgan's man bits. All of the other hunters were stunned and I was able to run past them. "What are you waiting for! Go after her!" The thud of footsteps followed me as I ran up the steps. Once I left the basement door I slammed it shut behind me. Maybe that would buy me a few seconds. When you're running for your life though, the seconds mean everything.

The sun hit me straight in the eyes as I thrusted the door to the outside open. I pushed myself as fast as I could through the forest. Trees scrapped my sides and my cheek. It wasn't long though before fatigue started to set in. If I kept running I would be screwed. I would get tired and collapse. If I climbed a tree I would get above them, but they would wait me out and I would starve before Theo could find me.

In the end I kept running.

About half a mile later my legs were starting to give out and I had no idea where I was. Just for a second I stopped to catch my breath. That one second was all it took because next thing I know arms are around my body. "Bad move little wolf." I was too tired to fight. Both physically and emotionally.

The familiar pick of a needle and burn ran through my body. Rough arms picked me up as the wolfsbane started weakening me. I guess I didn't run that far because half an hour later I was back where I started. The muggy feel of the basement greeted me as the man threw me into the cell.

"Well Abigail, that wasn't very nice of you to do." Professor Morgan taunted with a smirk. The smell of my father's blood was still there but not his body. "Where is my father?" I asked in just barely  above a whisper. "He is burning in Hell. Oh wait, you meant his body. That is being displayed for your worthless pack to see."

"Just kill me now and get it over with." Something just told me I wasn't ever leaving here so why wait. "Because in order to break Theo I need to break you first. Break you beyond repair." That meant I either gave in or I live a long painful life. I can't betray my mate though. The Moon Goddess wouldn't have put me in this situation if it wasn't for a reason.

"It is people like you who will burn in the pits of Hell with Lucifer. What God would want this treatment for his creations? If he didn't want my people on the planet do you think that we would be here?" I am one of the werewolf's that believes in both the Moon Goddess and the Christian God. Actually, a lot of werewolf's not only believe in the Moon Goddess but also have some religion.

"Don't you dare speak about that you worthless creature!" He spat at me as he dragged me up by my hair. A hand was brought across my face. The sting didn't phase me. Mostly it was because the wolfsbane was a more powerful dose then before. "This is America. The first amendment gives me the freedom of speech."

"Tell me where his pack is." Obviously he was pissed. Not only was he pissed about what I said but I'm pretty sure he is still pissed about me kicking his balls. "I plead the fifth." I told him. That sealed what happened next. He literally dragged me to a post and tied me to it. The ropes had been dowsed in wolfsbane so it burned.

Before I could register anything else I heard the snap of a whip and feel my skin rip open. A hiss escaped my throat. "Let's try this again. Where is he?" This man can go screw himself. Silence has been my best friend for over a decade. It has become my best friend again. As long as I stay silent I stay alive.

The whip came down on me again and again. Each time stung worse than the last. What hurt the most though was when he poured a bucket of boiling water with wolfsbane on my back. I actually let out a scream. The agony of it was what the worst part was I have no idea how long he kept whipping me but at night fall he literally threw me back in the cell.

"Maybe tomorrow you will be more cooperative." With that he left me.

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