Just What I Needed (46)

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Yawning Keely slipped heavily from bed, dropping onto the ground with a loud thump.

Although the ground felt chilly against her bare feet, she simply grabbed a baggy hoodie from her bag, slipping over top of her plaid shorts and big Van Halen shirt. Tugging the sweater over her head, she gave yet another yawn, looking around at the bunks around her. And although none of the beds were made, Seth's was the only one that had a body occupying it.

Huddling into the thick sweater, she padded up through the bus, a smile spreading across her face when she noticed the half full coffee pot that even had a mug sitting beside it. Happily pouring herself a cup and grabbing a muffin that was a day away from getting stale, she moved to the booth seats around their table.

When she found that Colton was sitting on one side, she dropped onto the other, stretching her legs out with a loud groan. “Where are we?” she asked him, leaning her back against the wall as she took a sip of the crisp drink, breaking a piece of the muffin top.

“About ten minutes away from our hotel.”

“I meant what city.”

Chuckling at her, Colton just took a sip of his coffee before biting his twizzler. “Vancouver.”

Swallowing deeply she looked out the window, the clenching queasy sensation in her stomach coming back at full force. “Candy isn't exactly a healthy breakfast,” she observed vaguely, attempting to hide her thoughts from making their way onto her face as she took another sip from her coffee mug.

“We're on tour, the way we live isn't exactly healthy in the first place,” he replied.

Sparing him a small grin, Keely looked back to the window, watching the people on the street slide past. Some were looking at the tour bus, but most were just focusing on where they were going, hidden in their own thoughts.

“Move, c'mon, Keely, move over.”

Blinking at the voice and the hand giving her feet a shove, she forced her thoughts to the present.

Groaning theatrically, she swung her legs off the bench, pulling herself into a sitting position so Marco could sit beside her. His usually perfectly styled hair was standing up on end, but only on one side. Smirking slightly at the sight of him, she took a sip of her coffee, considering that the hair that stood up on the side must have been against the pillow when he'd been sleeping.

He broke off a piece of her muffin, but Keely hastily plucked it from his fingers smoothly. “Thank you,” she told him with a sweet smile, popping the muffin piece in her mouth. But it felt like chewing carpet as she gulped it down with the coffee, her jittery stomach rejecting the food instantly. Frowning slightly, she just shoved what was left of the muffin towards the blonde boy, there was no way she could eat it at that moment.

“Home sweet home, right?” asked Marco, digging happily into the muffin.

“What?” asked Keely, giving a rather false laugh. “I'm from Bellingham and you lot are all from Green Bay, we're not exactly home.”

Looking bored Colton flipped through one of the newspapers he'd picked up at their last stop, Keely was yet to have the chance to look through it. “Bellingham isn't really that far from Vancouver, do you really suck that much at geography?”

She knew very well how much distance there was between the two cities, but that didn't mean she was going to say anything. Keeping silent, she just rolled her eyes at him and took a deep gulp from her coffee.

“I wasn't actually talking about that,” pointed out Marco, “Just the fact that we get to sleep in a room tonight instead of a moving bus. That's home enough for me.”

Just What I NeededTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon