Just What I Needed (21)

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The picture on the side is just so Keely ha ha!

"Hey Keely!"

Sending a warm, if distracted glance to the woman sitting at the desk in the front of the studio, Keely continued to rush down the hall. Decidedly not running, because she was afraid she'd fall.

Yes, she was late. Very late. Stumbling through the halls, she tied her loosely curling hair back into a pony tail, hauling her bag around her shoulders.

Usually she wouldn't have cared too much, seeing as Marco and Colton wouldn't care less about her tardiness since they were habitually late as well. But Colton wasn't going to be in the studio, instead none other than Mr Seth Ryan was going to be Marco's engineer for the day. And that, that was enough to put her on edge.

"I'm so sorry," Keely exclaimed pushing open in the door.

Marco swivelled in his chair, sending her a smile. But even though his mouth was open to speak, Keely found her eyes drawn elsewhere.

Seth just kept looking through the window to the recording studio. "You're late," he pointed out as they met each other's eyes in the glass, "And we left the sixties."

Keely just rolled her eyes, not effected by his words that referred to the purple t-shirt she was wearing that portrayed a very large peace sign on the front as she threw her bag carelessly upon the table to her left.

"Ever try less hair gel?" she suggested without vigour since it was obvious that boy had no hair gel in his mussed hair, but her wits were slow with grogginess.


"Pick you up at six and we'll meet up with the terrible duo?" Marco asked leaning against the door frame.

"I'll see you then," Keely smiled, patting his shoulder.

Keely found herself glowering at Seth's back as he left the room without a word, but quickly shook herself to look back at her friend. She had a full plan to interogate the boy tonight, she'd been holding it in for a while but had never found the right moment. She hadn't missed the way he and Coop's eyes had lingered too long than normal on one another.

"Do you want to hang out? Maybe go and grab some coffee?" he asked hopefully.

Opening her mouth to say 'yes' Keely hesitated, it was just an automatic reaction, she just didn't say no. But then Keely remembered about her promise to the man that owned the record store, she had said she would come back today.

But she didn't exactly want company, "Sorry, I have something I have to do."

Trying to ignore the way Marco's face dropped, Keely turned quickly and followed Seth out of the building.

But when she was following him, she couldn't help but wonder what he had actually been doing at the studio. Whenever she would start singing, or more likely when she walked into the studio to record the vocals, he would make an excuse to get out of the room. The moment she would come back into the room, there would Seth be, like a freaking shadow.

They hadn't even started to record the duet, instead working on one of her singles. She really couldn't see the point of Seth actually being there to be honest since they hadn't even listened to the rough draft of the duet. It wasn't as if he even listened to one of the tracks.

She did stop at a coffee shop on the way to the record store, but was thinking about things much more teenager like and important than the coffee she was buying.

Just What I NeededOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz