Popular Nerd Review

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I have decided to publish this review- which literally made me cry with happiness- on Wattpad for you to read because it touched me so much.

I never thought my writing could create such a strong opinion on someone. When I was about 9 I loved writing...

Now, 6 years later, I have my work published and receiving feedback like this is indescribable. So I wanted you to read it too...

This is a review from grizzie-grey on Popular Nerd

Oh my GOODNESS!?! Where do I even get started on this book! There is so much I want to say, so little time to say it and I know for sure my fingers won't have the ability to hold on for that many words! 😋

Popular Nerd was not one of my very first choice of books if I was to be honest. Although my eye had been entranced by its captivating cover, I never actually got the courage to move my finger so I could click the small screen to open it up. (P.S. Everything I do here on Wattpad is from my phone on the app so don't get confused by my weird choice of words)

As the few days passed by, I kept on seeing that a couple of people I follow -for example spixeEisha (hope she doesn't mind me mentioning her)- kept on commenting and voting for this book that had been getting my eye. Finally, after actually getting the courage to open it up, I quickly read the little summary or description (whatever you want to call it) and I remember telling myself, "Huh... Okay. Gonna put it in my library and read it once the baby is sleeping."

Mind you, I babysit my 3 month old niece every morning so that's when I do all my reading and writing. So not even a day later, -I wasn't as busy a month ago as I am now- when February 8th finally came, and when the little girl was finally asleep on my arms, I got comfortable in the couch with a pillow on my back, and I began to read it.

I was instantly hooked by the first paragraph: "Do you think the school nerd would do my homework for me if I ask him out?" My best friend asks from across the lunch table. I laughed out loud, which caused the baby girl in my arms to get scared, which then made me drop my phone so I could get her happy again. STRIKE ONE FOR ME.

When there was peace again, I managed to read about half of the chapters that were posted, before the baby woke again because of my movement, as I tried to hold my crying bladder because I didn't want to stop reading. STRIKE TWO.

I wasn't really a very good person on commenting back then. You see, I had only been on the Wattpad group for about three months, only doing silent reading. No votes, no comments. I don't remember exactly which book/books were the one that broke my "comment/vote" virginity, but I do know Popular Nerd was one of my firsts.

After again feeding, changing, burping, rocking and getting myself something to eat, I got very comfortable with a sheet, snuggled with a pillow and continued with my adventure. I was getting to a good part an hour later when the front door slammed open, startling me which caused me to close out the app. 😑 STRIKE THREE AND IM OUT!

Frustrated, I took the baby to the second floor with me, snuggled up in my bed and finally after a very needed 2 hours, I managed to catch up. I was very proud of myself for finally accomplishing it, but mad that it took me so long. Mad that I had so many distractions, I would have finished the book in a matter of 2 hours instead of the 8 that it took me. Mad that I hadn't picked it up before that day so I could be part of the group that said "Hey! I am reading this amazing book called 'Popular Nerd' and I can't believe this is happening!" And then talk about all the ups and downs of the book.........

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