Chapter Thirty Seven// Calm Down

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Thank you for being so patient for this update. As many of you already know, I've been away for a week skiing. It was amazing!

To refresh your memory of where the story is up to, I would recommend you re-read the last few pages of the previous chapter to remind yourself what is going on. Hope you will enjoy this chapter...

"He'll be here any minute," I pace the floor of my room, restraining myself from tugging out my hair whilst sweating anxiously about the upcoming evening. I am dreading it so badly!

"Who? Nathan?" Lacy speaks out from my bed, cross legged already with a burger in her hand.

"No!" I snatch the food from her hands and take a large bite, chewing monstrously to calm my queazy stomach. With a repulsive glare, Lacy grabs the burger back.


"Sorry," I sigh and lick my barbecue source fingers dry. "It's just Josh text me he is going to be here in ten. That was eight minutes ago!"

"Calm down," Lacy grips onto my shoulder blades and shakes me senseless. Her eyes lock with mine and we both exhale in unison which steadies my rapid heart beat.

"Thanks. But I'm still nervous... Anything can happen. And with Nathan here too, gosh Lacy, I don't know what I'm going to do-"

"What happened to being calm?" She rose her left eye brow with the upwards curl of her lip. With a humours laugh I am able to relax my shoulders as I giggle at my best friend.

"Wait, why did you even invite Josh then?" She asks with a questioning tone.

"My mom," I answer flatly, raking my fingers through my hair. "She made me invite his family as we went round to their house the other week." I inform her with rolled eyes.

"Oh ok... And why are you two dating again? I swear you told me he tried to rape you or something."

"Lacy! Quiet! My mom is downstairs," I hiss whilst closing the large gap between us so we can communicate by whisper. The last thing I want is my mom to listen in and hear all of this.

"Sorry," she whispers, leaning in to hear me.

"Listen, I'm only doing this to protect Nathan- remember? If I date Josh and keep him happy, Nathan's reputation will be fine and I can continue to try and dig out the real him."

"So what will happen if you break up with Josh?"

"I don't know exactly but he's threatened me with Nathan's popularity. Josh could do anything to humiliate him and if he goes back to being shy and shuts himself away from the world, away from me, then there's no hope in getting the real Nathan back. I can't let that happen Lacy. He means so much to me." An instant wave of heat radiates from my cheeks. The scarlet colour of my skin makes Lacy giggle as I push her away. "You know what I mean," I add hesitantly.

"Yeah ok," she laughs. "I'm sure you're doing the right thing."

"Doing the right thing seems like a challenge, more like impossible when I don't even know what that is." I turn my head to the wall and let my eye lids fall heavy and close. Two hearts are on the line here: mine, and Nathan's. I can't mess this up.

"Paige! Guests are here!"

"Crap!" My whole body leaps into the air with a sudden shiver of panic. "Lacy, what do I do?"

"Stay calm," she advices, jumping to her feet and meets me by my bedroom door. "You'll be fine."

Tentatively turning the handle, I emerge out from my room with Lacy not far behind. The stairs descend in front of me, my mom already stood at the door.

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