26. Love rush

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Hey guys! Next chapter for you!

By the way, i hope you can check out my story that i posted on my profile called " A mission to kill an Alpha" I am very excited over it and i hope you will atleast take 10 min to check it out and maybe tell me what you think (: 


"Is everybody ready?" A guy in a black fitted tuxedo said as he was standing in front of the 5 lined up cars on the start line. Every driver, including Bill and Tom had a strong stare at the guy in front and just nodded for answer as the sound of the roaring engines were filling the surrounding. I tightened the seatbelt I had strapped across my chest as I was sitting on needles.

Just as everybody was starting to scream louder the guy in the tux pulled up his napkin from his pocket and held it up in the air.

I shot Tom a look as he seemed calm and smirked a little.

"Trust me" he said with a rustling voice, just before the guy in front of us let go off the napkin as it started to sway down. As the white piece of fabric touched the ground, Tom shifted the gear and we flew several meters ahead of the rest of the competitors.

I held my breath, as Tom only pressed harder on the speed-pedal as we were literally flying across the road. I glanced back and saw that to my surprise the cars were far behind us.

"Omg Tom!" I cheered and started to laugh with a sudden extreme anticipation.

Tom grinned as he shifted the gear and made a quick, tire-screeching turn to the left. My blood was rushing and I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins as Tom made a second turn, making the car drive up on a bridge as the finish line was probably on a few hundred meters ahead on the straight road.

Then suddenly Tom slowed down his speed a little bit and I looked at him confused until I saw a childish grin on his face.

Bill’s car came closer up on the side, his car struggling to keep up with Tom’s who’s engine roared like a monster. Tom shifted the gear and his grin got even bigger as Bill was pulling up next to us, his face completely concentrated as Mellie looked focused as well. To bug the shit out of Bill even more, Tom started to wobble the car forward and then backwards. Only reason to bug Bill and show that he was the better driver.

"Why are you toying with him?" I asked with a slight chuckle as he glanced at me.

"I like to mess with him" Tom smirked and shifted the gear lightly as I saw how Bill looked more angry and frustrated as he pushed his driver-knowledge to the limit.

"You sure you can take him?" I asked a bit hesitant as the finish line started to be seen and Bill started to get ahead. Tom turned his head completely to me, with a teasing smirk.

"Trust me" he said and pursed his lips before he shifted the gear and pressed down hard on the speed-pedal making us bolt forward, making Bill come further and further behind us.

In a matter of seconds we rolled over the finish line as people screamed and cheered that Tom won. He slowed down and eventually pulled over as he stopped the engine. He turned to me with an over-proud smile on his face as he leaned in to my red-blushed face.

"Don’t ever doubt me babe" he whispered and kissed me soft. My heart was still racing away at the almost near death experience and the adrenaline. I smiled as we parted and we stepped out from the car getting even louder screams.

Tom seemed pleased as he grinned at all the people coming up to him, greeting him for the win. People even came up to me, patting me on the back and giving me great smiles and giving me compliments. I was kind of surprise at the sudden attention that I was given.

Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora