Chapter 13

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It was raining pretty hard by the time I got back to my dorm. To my surprise Rae was lying on her bed reading a magazine. This was one of those rare occasions when she forgot about friends and parties and being an ass, so to speak.

"Hey, you're here? I thought you would be going to the party in D dorm."

"I'm skipping tonight. Got better things to do."

"Better than going to one of Rebekah's parties?" I asked dumbfounded. She was reading a damn magazine, how was that better?!

"Ah... Since when do you care about her parties? Or any party for that matter?" She asked raising her head for the first time to look at me. That was when I saw that her eyes were red as though she'd been crying. I really didn't want to sit and find out what was wrong but my moral obligations had me inching over.

"What's wrong?" I asked cautiously as I sat on the edge of her bed.

She rolled over to the corner making space for me and put down her magazine.

"It's my grades."

I looked at her weirdly and she shook her head as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm flunking math and Miss Yonnick said that if I don't bring up my GPA I'm never going to graduate."

I stared at her perplexed.

"How in God's name are you flunking maths? Or anything for that matter?!"

"I don't know-"

"You're the star tennis player! You're more dedicated than any other person on campus... You have a freaking scholarship for crying out loud."

Amiss her tears she was able to mumble a few words between hiccups and sniffling.

"They said that they would take it away."

For the first time since I met her I genuinely felt sympathy and pity, maybe even remorse. Even though I was at the top of my class and I was secured in the school of my dreams... Hopefully... I wouldn't wish failure on my worst enemy.

"Did Professor Yonnick tell you want you needed to do to graduate?"

"I have a one hour test to do next month." Rae said wiping her nose.

"Okay that's great news!" I exclaimed and sat up straighter.

"How is that great news?! There is no way that I can learn anything about maths within four weeks!"

"Maybe not on your own. No, but with my help you can very well and bring your grades up to the GPA."

Rae sat up in her bed as the last remnants of her tears disappeared. She wiped her eyes and cleared her throat before practically screaming at me.

"You'll help me?!"

"Ouch Rae. The volume, the volume..." I rung out my ear from the intensity of her voice. "Yes, I'll help you. Of course I will, I'm not that cynical."

"Oh Lilly I love you so much!"

She threw her arms around my neck and I fell back from the force of her body crashing against me.

"Ophf. Shit girl you're heavy. Get off and get ready, we're going to celebrate."

I laughed as Rae screamed and giggled before rushing towards the bathroom. 


By nine pm we were ready and Rae locked the door behind us as we were heading in the direction of the party. Rae wore on her usual; a short short skirt and a tank top with killer heels while I went with a traditional black jeans and tank top but covered it up with my brother's hoodie.

The sound of rap music was heard pretty loudly coming from the building and my heart skipped a beat. Even though the matron and warden were both off campus I still had my ways about me. I still paused when it came to breaking a rule and tonight we were breaking about ten rules.

We were going into a dorm that wasn't our own, allowing boys to be in the same dorm as the girls, smoking, consuming alcohol, fraternizing, and most importantly, disturbing the peace.

I shook my head as we entered and a wave of sweat mixed with alcohol, smoke and sex assaulted my nose. Yup, the good ol' smell of teenage delinquency. As soon as we stepped in, there was an elongated desk filled with huge bowls of punch and trays lined off with plastic cups.

I watched as Rae grabbed one of the cups and a girl standing behind the 'punch' desk filled it up with a weird looking pink substance. She downed the liquid in one go before she disappeared into the sea of delinquents.

Then there was one.

Shaking my head I headed towards the main gathering, searching desperately for a corner in which I could quietly disappear. This was the second school party that I've ever been too and for the second time I felt at a loss and out of my comfort zone. I would prefer to curl up on my bed and read an R.L Stine's or even any of Patterson's books than have to endure the stench of vomit and sex.

No matter how hard I tried I still couldn't get the smell of them to go away and the fact that one out of every three persons were smoking a different type of weed and cigar didn't help. I looked out at the herd of students girating against each other and scowled. It was the grossest thing ever. Guys were rubbing sweat filled bodies against girls who barely had anything covering them and to top that off they were dancing in some positions that were too dirty to think of. This was just so typical; the guys had an opportunity to 'cup a feel' and the girls in their drunken state just giggled while they did it.

I refused to bow to the level of society.

Yes I was stoked to attend one of Rebekah's famous parties but as usual, I'm regretting it.

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