Chapter 4

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I barged into the classroom and halted when everyone's head snapped to mine. I prayed for my beating heart to return to normal as I mumbled an apology towards the lecturer.

"Do you want to tell me why you're so late Ms. Adams?!" She asked asked me.


"You what?! Ms. Adams?!"

I bowed my head as I couldn't think up a lie.

"Go have a seat but when this class is over I want you to go straight to the principal's office. Understood?"

"Yes miss."

I quickly found my seat and pulled my stuff out. Everyone was looking at me like I was Ebola and I wanted nothing more than to crawl into a small hole and never come out. I heard some girls snickering besides me and I felt a paper hit against my head as the lecturer placed some problems onto the board. My eyes burned with unshed tears but I willed them away and focused on solving the sums.

Half way through the class I was asked to help the other students who weren't finished with theirs and I reluctantly got up and went towards the back. I sat down next to Rae, Kate and Brooke.

"Am, so what do you guys need help with?"

"Actually, we find this class really hard, so we didn't do anything." Rae said and smiled at me sweetly.

I wanted to roll my eyes at her but I knew she had the ability to kill me in my sleep. Instead I just looked from one dump brod to the next. Shaking my head I started explaining how to do the sums but when I realized that no matter how much I preached they were never going to get it I just gave them the answers.

"Do you see why we're such awesome roomies?!" Rae asked rhetorically as she hugged me.

"Ew, Rae if you hug her long enough you might get as weird as her!" Brooke gasped and pulled her away.

Kate started to giggle and soon they all were laughing at me. I wanted to cut a bitch but my parents raised me better. Instead I got up and walked out the classroom just as the bell rang.


I knocked on the door and entered.

"Hi Misses Colleen."

The secretary smiled at me as I walked into the room.

"Lillian hello. How was school today?"

"Same old, same old. Can I go in?"

"Sure go right ahead."

I knocked quietly on the door before entering. The principal was scanning some documents while talking to someone on the phone. She looked up at me before motioning for me to sit. Taking a seat I fiddled with my dress as I looked around the room. There were no pictures of anyone lying around and I was grateful. The room was neat except for her desk which was piled high with papers and books. When she came off the phone she looked up and smiled at me.

"That was the board of committee, they decided to go ahead and let us do the debate competition. Isn't that exciting?"

"Yeah." I said slowly, looking at my fingers.

"I thought you would be more excited Lilly, after all you were the one that kept pestering me about the competition. I just went through a lot of headache to put our school back in. The least you can do is be grateful."

"I am."

She sighed before getting up from her seat and walking towards me.

"Look sweetie, I know that you're nervous and what not but I'm confident enough to say that you'll take this school to our next championship."

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