Rough Day

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I sat in my A&P, struggling to fill out the test that I forgot about. With tryouts and building new teams I totally let it slip my mind. I didn't even have time this morning before school to study because I had to get the rosters on the locker room, and right before I was getting ready to leave the guys varsity soccer coach had stopped me. He handed me a letter from the people in our sports division. When I had opened it I was confused as I was pissed. It stated that the girls soccer season was being moved to the spring, like it used to be five years ago. Any game or games played so far this season will not count towards the wins of the real season.

Just thinking about that stupid letter was making it even harder to focus. And the fact that my bitch partner kept clicking her pen just made me irritated.

"Five minutes left." Ms. Lunge said.

Shit! I still have thirty questions left! I quickly tried to fill in some answers, but gave up and turned it in.

When the bell rang, Jason came over to where i stood. "How did the test go?"

I glared at him, and he quickly shut his mouth.

"Did you know about this?" I asked, handing him the letter his coach gave me. He quickly read it, "No. This doesn't make sense! Why would they change it when the season has already started?"

"Good fucking question." I muttered.

"Oh, how lady-like." Caitlin quipped as she grabbed her binder and left. I had been so preoccupied, that I forgot she was still there. If looks could kill, well she would be dead right there on the floor and I would be a happy person.

"Ignore her." Jason said.

"Well, this letter means that I didn't have to rush to get teams put together. It put my plans for these teams on hold!" I said through clenched teeth. I fully prepared to storm out of the room, because just talking about this gets me fired up. But Jason reached out and grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"It's going to be okay Summer. Just think, now you have all this time to prepare you teams that most teams would kill for."

When I looked back at him, he gave me a reassuring smile.

I looked down for a second, and smiled, "You're right."

"I know. Now let's go to lunch."




I stood out on the turf field, as the fall breeze whipped my pony tail around. Before me sat the three teams that I was now in charge of. The freshman team, the JV team, and the new and improved Varsity team. Each team had roughly 15 to 18 players, much bigger than I was used to since being on a soccer team at this school.

I had a clip board in my hands, and a smile on my face. I hadn't informed anyone other than Jason about the "free time" that we have.

"Good afternoon. Congratulations on becoming part of the soccer teams here. It's wonderful to see so many girls interested in the sport of soccer." I said with a big smile, as the girls around me smiled back.

"Since my freshman year, there has only ever been a Varsity team for the girls' soccer, while the boys had a freshman team, a JV team and a varsity team. It was always the boys who seemed to outnumber us and get all the funding. Last year that was confirmed when we lost our wonderful coach, coach Jen due to budget cuts." I saw my team mates, eyes seemingly look off into the distance. I wondered if they were also remembering coach Jen, and how wonderfully amazing she was.

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