46. You should definitely, really love me right now

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"Hunter, you should sleep in your room." I tell and lay down in the bed, looking at Hunter standing on the floor.

"Of course I am." She says making me confused how she just said it so fast, not even blinking.

"You just need to move your ass so there is space for me." She says grinning.

"Dammit Hunter, I meant your other room. You barely sleep in here with me." She moves and lay down next to me.

"But I can't sleep without you either. I would rather be kept awake with you and be with you, than to be alone and wake up with nightmares. I love you, and I am staying." She says, not even letting me argue, as she wraps her arm around me and kiss my forehead.

"I am not sure if I am angry or that I really, really love you right now." I say. Hunt eyes are closed, but she is still smiling.

"You should definitely, really love me right now." She says, making me kiss her cheek. Even though we have been very close, Hunt hasn't felt bad or anything and I happy she doesn't feel ill.

"Then I really love you right now." I whisper, because she is completely gone.

I wake up to a very dry throat, god I hate this. Hunt is still sleeping; I move out of her embrace and crawl out of bed.

"I'm coming." I hear her say, tired. Dammit, does she always have to wake up when I get out of bed?

"No, Hunt. Please sleep." She doesn't listen to me, she moves out of the bed and stand in front of me. I take both of her hands in mine.

"You need to sleep, Hunt." I tell her, but she shakes her head.

"I need you more." I put my arms around her fast. Goddammit, why does she always have to melt my heart?

"Sky, I can't breathe." I let her go.

"I'm sorry, but you can't say things like that. It makes me so vulnerable to you, that no is not an option."

"Good, because I don't want a no. I'll always follow you," She kiss my forehead.

"Where are we going by the way?" She asks so cute, I makes me laugh and kiss her cheek.

"I was going to get something to drink, my throat is painful." I tell her, she takes a deep breath and put her hands on my waist. I can't see her eyes, it's too dark. I do not know what is going on in her mind. She leans in and kiss my cheek.

"What do you say to a movie and some ice cream?" She mumbled against my skin.

"I would love that."

"Then we go down, and you find a movie and I find the ice cream." I nod, and then she grabs the duvet out of the bed.

"We need this." She says, making me snort. Then she takes my hand and I follow her downstairs. I sit down on the couch and Hunt throws the duvet on me. I turn on the TV and look for a movie to watch.

"Find anything?" Hunt asks, and hands over the ice cream to me. I grin as I see it is chocolate.

"I take that smile as you like it." She says, and move under the duvet next to me. Then I start the movie I picked. I grab Hunt's shirt and kiss her cheek.

"I love it, and I love you." I tell her and start eating. Feeling the coldness in my warm, dry throat.

"Oh, I like this movie." I hear her say; I smile to her as she takes a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"I am glad your dad and mom didn't freak out." She says, and I nod with agreement.

"Now I can kiss you every time I want to." I tell her and kiss her cheek again.

"Yeah, well, I do not really want to kiss you on the mouth right now." She tease.

"Ha-ha watch it, or I'll do it." I warn her. We both finish our ice cream and put the bowls on the table. I lay down in Hunt's lap and she starts playing with my hair, as I like to do with her. It feels so nice that I can't keep my eyes open.


"Just sleep." She whispers.

The sound of footsteps causes me to wake. I know it is not Hunt's, because I can feel her underneath me. Her stomach moves up and down and her arms are around me. It's so warm and comfortable. I take a hold on the shirt on her shoulder and drag myself up, and then I kiss her cheek.

"Hi." She whispers and kiss my forehead.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"My throat is better, and I am very warm thanks to you." I kiss her cheek again.

"Good." She says and I hear dad clear his throat. I take the duvet and push it over our heads, Hunt chuckles.

"I hope you two are not going to lay there all day, I have a game to watch later." Hunt and I chuckle and I kiss her on the neck.

"No, we are not," I answer.

"Just for a little while." I finish, and dad snorts.

"Yeah, fine. You two hungry?" He says and I can hear him walking.

"Yes." I answer. Then I kiss Hunt's neck again, and her throat.

"Stop." She chuckles.

"No." I mumble as I bit her ear. She moves and fall down on the floor.

"Skylar!" She sounds upset. I look down at her only to feel her hand on my shirt, dragging me down with her.

"Dammit Hunter!" I say hoarsely, but kiss her cheek.

"What the hell is going on in there?" I hear dad yell.

"Nothing." I yell back. I look down at hunt and grin. She looks upset.

"I love you." I say, making her look at me with that crooked smile and those blue eyes.

"Dammit Hunter. You can't look at me like that when I can't kiss you." I say, irritated. Her and those eyes.

"I guess we are even then." She chuckles. I shake my head with a grin.

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