25. More Than Anything

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"Have you thought about our conversation?" Grandma asks me. Mom and dad went out for a walk, and Hunter is in the shower. It is a beautiful morning, too bad we have to go home tonight.

"About what?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"Have you realized now that you are in love with Hunter?" She asks impatiently and I sigh.

"Grandma, being in love is a little too strong perhaps."

"So you admit that you like her a lot?" God she is not giving up is she?

"She is my friend, that's it." I answer upset.
"Don't you lie to yourself, darling."

"Okay, fine. You are right, I have feelings for Hunter. I just do not know what to do about them." I itch my neck in frustration.

"Tell her."

"Then what? If she doesn't feel the way I feel, it will not be same between us. If she feels the same, we could end up together, but what will happen if we fight and end things. I will lose her and I don't want that."

"Then you don't lose her." I snort and roll my eyes.

"Life is more complicated than that, grandma. Hunter is complicated"

"But you love her?"

"More than anything." I can feel a lump in my throat as I look down at the ground, but I hold the tears in. I did not mean to say that, but god I meant it. I meet her eyes, she looks at me worried and laid her hand on my knee.

"I am gonna guess it is not just Hunter's head that is spinning around." Grandma says making me snort.

"Tell her."

"Tell who what?" Hunter comes out the door with wet hair, it looks so dark. She really knows how to come out in the perfect timing.

"Skylar has something to tell you,"
"Grandma!" She takes her hands up. Hunter scratch the back of her head, she does that when she is confused or unsure. I have noticed that. There is so much I have learned about her, and it never stops.

"What do you want to tell me?" Hunter asks. She looks worried. I look at grandma who watch me in the way that means I have to tell her. I roll my eyes and shake my head to her. Then I look at Hunter again.

"There is nothing to be afraid of Hunter. It's nothing." I tell her.
"And you say I am a bad liar." Hunter tease, and grandma laughs. I face palm myself. Oh my god.

"Yeah, she really is a bad liar." Grandma agrees.

"Hey, I am sitting right here." I say upset.

"And she swears a lot."

"Goddammit Hunter, stop."

"See." She says, pointing at me, looking at grandma who is dying of laughter.

"You two really know how to get on each other's nerves." Grandma says and I can feel the fire in my cheeks.

"Yeah, Hunter really knows how to push buttons." I sigh.
"You mean your buttons." I give Hunter my death glare. She just gives me the teasing smile.

"You just can't stop, do you?" I ask, and she shrugs.

"You are funny when you are angry."

"Okay, that is it." I stand up and run after her, I can hear grandma's laugh behind me fades as we reach down to the beach. I hate that she is so fast. She runs down to the shallow where we played soccer yesterday and where she told me about her family. I stop to catch my breath. Hunter stands in the water, laughing.

"How can you run after the ball, when you can't even reach me?"

"Dammit, Hunter." She laughs.

"You should give me a dollar for every time you say that."

"And you should give me a dollar for every time you mock me." I say and walk out to her in the clear water; it feels good around my feet. The sound of the waves hitting the shore and the sound of children playing in the water and on the beach fills my ears.

"I guess we would be even then." She says and take a step closer. The sun makes Hunter's dark red color shine clearer. Her deep blue eyes looking at me. When she watches me like that, I feel exposed, as if she can see all of my secrets and maybe things I do not even see. She has this crooked, small smile on her face, but it is her eyes that smile the most. They are so alive and so bright; I have never seen anyone look at me like that before. It is like she is searching for something, looking for something and I have no idea what it is or what she wants.

"You are staring at me." I say, still she looks at me like that. She did not even turn away and blush like she always do when I catch her.

"I know." She answer, now I am the one turning away with redden cheeks. I look down at my feet, which is covered in sand. The waves are splashing water at our ankles. I look back up to her meeting her blue again.

"When did you get so confident?" I ask.

"I'm not." She answer. I shake my head.

"Yes, you are." I protest.

"You have changed a lot, Hunter. Since the first day I met you, I like it."
"So you didn't like the way I was?" I snort and face palm myself.

"Hunter why does always do that?"

"Do what?" She asks innocently.

"Testing my limits?"

"I don't know." She looks thoughtful, and I know she is telling me the truth. She has that confused look on her face, like she is struggling to find the answer. Her eyes are looking around as if she can find it in the air.

"I'm sorry if I annoy you. I can s..."

"No, Hunter. I don't want you to stop and you are never annoying me, you may drive me insane sometimes, but I like it."

"Okay." She nods, unsure. I take her hand in mine.

"Let's go back up." She agrees and we move back up to the house.

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