Chapter... Uh 28 I think. I lost track...

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Athena's POV (in case you forgot:)----------------------

I awake to the silent sound of beeping. I opened my eyes slowly, scared at first at the fact I was outside before I remembered last night.

A small smile came to my face when I turned around and saw (still shirtless) Lukas fast asleep next to me. I reached over and hugged Lukas, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Lukas. Wake up." I whispered into his ear.

"Lukas!" I whisper-yelled. I just heard him groan and he put an arm around my waist.

"We have school." I said. No response. "Lukas!" I yelled. No response. "LUKAS!" I practically screamed.

"Huh? What do you want, woman?" He grumbled.

"School starts soon. We have to get ready." I whispered.

"Ugh, do I have to?" I asked.

"The first day of school is kind of s mandatory thing these days, especially when you missed open house and you just moved here." I said, squirming from his grip.

"Fine." He said. He slowly stood up and I did the same. We had slept outside the tent because we fell asleep watching the stars. I put my feet down in the soft ground, closing my eyes briefly to enjoy the moment. I sighed in relaxation, stretching and then BEEP BEEP BEEP.

"I swear I'm going to trade my soul for magic powers strictly so I can blow up alarm clocks." I mumbled, walking off to the alarm clocks place of residence before ripping out the batteries.

"I can grant you that power. I don't want your soul, though. I want your heart." He said with a smirk.

"Nice try. I wish you were magical. That would be rad. Just kidding... But seriously bro. If you were magical, I would literally love you. Like, we'd already be married. No joke." I rambled.

"That's a little bias, don't ya think? Just cuz I can't shoot lasers from my fingers means I can't marry you? That's jacked up." He said.

"Yeah, I know. But I got a jacked up brain. I seriously still believe that one day, all my books I read will grant me my wish of being magic." I told him. "But seriously my brain is jacked. I think it's a bunch of unicorns and geometric shapes that control my brain. There up there having a dance party right now."

"I think your going crazy." Lukas said, starting to pick up things around 'camp.'

"I'm not going crazy! The unicorns are just mad that I told you that their secret hiding spot was my brain so they unleashed Mr. Triangle to make me say random things." I said, joining him in cleaning up.

"Yup, you've gone insane." He told me, deflating the mattress.

"That's just what they want you to believe!" I yelled, cleaning up some more things and fixing the alarm clock.

"Psycho." He muttered. "We will get the camping stuff after we get back."

"Okay, cool." I said, grabbing my phone and skipping towards the tree line. I stepped into the woods and everything immediately grew dense and foggy. I decided to turn back to the clearing since I needed to make sure he didn't get lost in the fog.

"It's really foggy in there so you better follow right behind me." I told Lukas, re-entering the clearing.

"Okay. But if you get us lost, I blame you." He said.

"We won't get lost."

"How confident are you of that?"


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