Chapter Nine

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"I think you should tell your dad," Casey says flopping down on the couch beside me. "He could help take him down."

"I know he would help," I sighed, "But I want four big scary men coming into town and messing up the life I have here. Its bad enough with him stalking me."

"Ky, come on. We trust Brandon and Zane but they will need help if he brings the other two to town." Casey says.

"I know," I agreed, "Besides Brandon told Mattie that the devils after me so I have a feeling The Guardians will show up in the next couple week."

"Probably," Casey laughed someone knocked on the door and she jumped up to answer it.

"I was just going to grab Dani," Zane said standing there awkwardly.

"Alright," I said getting up and heading to my bedroom. Opening the door I smiled when I saw Kyler sitting on Dani's lap while she read to him.

"The End." Dani finished.

"The one pig was smart. He was brave like mama." Kyler said looking back at Dani with a smile, "Thank you for wreading to me."

"Your welcome." Dani said then looked up, "Daddy,"

Surprised I looked behind and backed up quickly when I realized Zane was just a couple of inches away from me. "Mama Dani wread to me." Kyler said climbing over to the edge of the bed holding his arms out.

"I saw that. You did good at listening to her." I said and picked him up.

"Daddy, can Ms. Kylie and Kyler come with us?" Dani asked and I look up confused at what she was talking about.

"Sure princess," Zane said smiling, "You have to ask if she wants to come."

"Ok," Dani says excitedly, "Ms. Kylie do you want to come with us to the Vet Ranch. We have to pick up Puck."

"I don't know sweetie," I said, "I have to work at the store."

"Go. I can take care of the store for a few hours." Casey yelled.

"Please," Dani begged. I sighed and nodded before grabbing my wallet and phone and following Dani out the door.

"Ok," Zane said pulling to a stop at Animal Haven, "Here we are." Dani climbs out and I set Kyler on the ground. Dani grabs his hand and they head off towards a pen with puppies in it.

"Zane," I said curiously, "Who's Puck?"

"Dani's husky," Zane said and we headed towards the barn, "She had pups two months ago and got really sick so I brought her and the pups here. Scott called a few days ago and said that she was ready to come home."

"Oh," I chuckled, "So she named her dog after a book character."

"Yup," Zane smiled, "Hey Scott."

I follow Zane into the room and saw a man sitting at a desk looking over a torn up cat with a teenage boy. "Tommy , finish washing her up. I need to talk with Zane." the vet said and nodded to Zane. They headed further into the barn and I went to find Dani and Kyler.

"Look, mama," Kyler said when I got over to the pen that they were in. "Puppy."

"I see that." I laughed and got over in with them, "He's very pretty."

"Nobody wants him," Dani said defeated petting the pup.

"Why not?" I asked curiously.

"Because he's so small." Dani said and put the pup down, "He's the last pup in the litter that Puck had."

"I think he's perfect." I said and pulled her over so that she was beside me, "Besides, I was thinking about getting a pup. Do you think it would be ok it I got him?"

"Really," Dani asked happily.

"Yup," I said smiling, "Besides this one is the perfect size for my apartment."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Dani said and tackled me in a hug.

"Don't thank me," I laughed hugging her back.

"Daddy did you here that Ms. Kylie might get the last puppy." Dani said and I looked over to see Zane and the vet stand beside the pen with amused looks and I blushed.

"I heard," Zane said, "We need to get going soon."

"I get the papers," the vet said and ran back towards the barn while Dani noticed the dog behind Zane.

"You don't have to get if you don't want to." Zane said helping me up and I watched Dani and Kyler play with the bigger husky.

"I want to besides I have been looking for a dog." I said wiping the dirt off my jeans.

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I watched Kylie finish sighing the papers Scott had given her. I'm surprised with everything she does. She's amazing with kids, smart, beautiful, and loving. Even with this lunatic after her she still smiles.

"She's a keeper," Scott said walking past me.

"Yeah," I agreed and followed them to the truck.

"This is the way towards your house." Kylie says, "Wouldn't if be faster if you take me back to the store."

"Your going to be staying with me until this guy is caught." I said telling her the plan Brandon and I had come up with, "This way we know your safe, I'll take you back and forth to work. Oh, and Casey is bringing you some clothes later so you don't have to worry about that." I said when she went to protest.

"Fine," she grumbled, "Only because this is safer for Kyler."

"And you," I said, "I'm putting Kyler in the room between your and Dani's."

"Kyler what do you want to name the puppy?" she asked her son.

"Lobo mama," he giggled.

"Alright Lobo [wolf] it is." she laughed.

"Ms. Kylie what's a Lobo?" Dani asked confused.

"It means wolf in Spanish." she said smiling and Dani nodded.

When I pulled up at the house I saw a unfamiliar car. After I got everyone out of my truck I turned towards the car and watched as the person got out. 'What the hell?' I think when I realize who it was.

"What are you doing here?" I asked not to happy to she her.

"It's been awhile Zane," she says.

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