Act One | The Expedition | P. 1

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Act One
Part One
October 8th

"Anaya, Lily, Noah, Paloma, and I will be in the front lines with the 110th Cadet Corps graduate class. Just like any other expedition, keep the flares up! The retired soldiers will be accompanied by Corporal One, Hanji Zoe; you're in good hands. Eren, Jean, Conny and the newest Scouts, you'll be in Corporal Atylia's Squad. All of the volunteered citizens will be with Corporal Ackerman and her son,  Alexandre, who will be accompanied by Armin and Sasha. Everyone else will be in Corporal Mikasa's Group. That includes everyone in the 105th to the 109th Cadet Corps graduate classes." Levi's voice echoed throughout the room. The expedition was tomorrow and Levi had to organize the groups and explain the plan. You stood beside him and so did the rest of the squad leaders and higher ups. Levi looked over to you, signaling that he was finished with his ordering. You were responsible for laying down the plan.

"Alright, no playing around. Business from here and on. Levi's Squad in the front, mine to the left, Hanji's to the right. Atylia's will be far behind Levi's Squad. In the rear will be Mikasa's Group. Hanji, Atylia, keep up our defenses. We are to protect the wagon of supplies in the center of the formation. Levi, lead. Mikasa, you know what to do. Everyone take it easy today! We have a big day ahead of us...You're dismissed." The room once full of brave soldiers soon was a dusty hall filled with chairs. The cadets and volunteers reported to their rooms and hopefully went to sleep.

You turned your head and smiled as Levi shoved the map into a vacant drawer. You crept behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling his warmth in your arms.

"Come on darling, you need rest. We'll stay home tonight if you want." Levi turned around and shrugged.

"Nah, I'll have a drink or two." You smiled and took his hand.

"C'mon then." Levi let go of the papers in his hand and walked out with you by his side. You could feel his fingers wrap around your hand tightly as you reached the exit of the HQ.

In the last 15 years, the Survey Corps had been renovated and revamped. The rotted wood flooring was replaced with matching fresh oak as well as the stairs. The construction workers were even kind enough to replace the glass windows and bathroom stalls. It was an improvement but the funds started to run out when Levi ordered the upgraded 3DMG.

You both entered your home with your hands tangled together. You looked up at Levi and gazed at him warmly. He hadn't changed majorly except his once pure black hair had, at the most, 6 strands of grey hairs. You had only one so far and was still rocking your younger years.

Levi looked back at you and let go of your hand. He tiredly walked upstairs into your bedroom. You sighed and wandered into the kitchen and spotted Paloma in the fridge.

"Whacha doing?" You asked. Paloma looked up then looked back down.

"Welcome to my home stranger, want some coffee?" You rolled your eyes. Paloma laughed and closed the fridge.

"Take note that I pay for this place." You reminded her. Paloma chucked.

"Sure. See ya later mom." Paloma wandered out of the room quietly and walked up the cream colored carpeted stairs to her room. You closed your eyes as you heard Paloma shut her door.

Three months had passed since Levi became commander. It was hard work for him, and also for you to keep up with him. Levi was always working in the HQ, he had no time to relax. You were glad that he was finally getting a day out of that old place. As you continued to think, Levi wandered down the stairs in more comfortable clothes. You opened your eyes and smiled widely.

"Lookin snazzy." You snap you fingers and point at him playfully. Levi laughed and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to kiss you. You cupped his face and pulled away slowly.

"You ready sweetheart?" You whispered sweetly into his ear. Levi took your hand and lead you out of the house.

"Yea, let's go." You swung your hands as you both walked towards the bar. As you wandered up to the front door of it, Levi opened it for you.

"Thank you, what would I do without you?!" You teased. Levi rolled his eyes and followed you inside. As you got closer to the bar, you heard someone call out your name. You and Levi looked to your left and spotted Anaya. You smiled and waved as you walked closer to the group.

"Hey guys! Take a seat!" Anaya cheered. You gladly pulled up a chair and Levi did the same. A waiter walked up to your table with a bright smile on his face.

"How may I help you?" He asked. You smiled back and answered.

"I'd like a (drink) please. Levi?" You ask.

"Um, I'll just take a beer." He answered. The waiter wrote down your orders and walked off.

"So who's excited about the expedition?!" Anaya asked. Noah and Hanji said they were, but everyone else stayed silent. Most of your friend looked as terrified as they looked on their first mission.

"Oh come on! It won't be that bad!" Hanji said. Normally everyone would be pumped for the upcoming mission, but the past 2 weeks have been stressful. That's why everyone had the rest of the time off until the expedition. You stayed silent and tried to think of topics to talk about. You suddenly thought of Noah and Lily's children.

"So how's Iya and Nox?" You asked. Noah looked up from his glass of water.

"They're doing great. Iya finally got checked out of the hospital. Nox, well, she just started middle school." You smiled brightly.

"Really?! When do you think Nox will join the Trainee Squad, huh?" You tease. A shiver ran down Lily's spine just thinking of the idea.

"When titans are extinct." Lily answered. You laughed slightly.

"If only that were possible. As long as we have the Survey Corps, we'll be fine." Noah murmured.

The waiter came back with your drink and said enjoy with a bright smile. You thanked him and started drinking your drink. Levi looked at you lovingly.

"You enjoying that drink?" He asked.

"No, it's disgusting." You replied. Levi rolled his eyes playfully.

"Of course it is." He murmured.

The night went on and everyone was getting more tired as time went by. You and Levi decided to go home and go to bed, seeing as you both were really tired from all the work.

You opened your front door with Levi's hand in yours and placed your things on the counter carefully. You dragged Levi upstairs and hopped into bed. Levi took off his shirt and you whistled playfully. He chuckled and got under the sheets with you.

"I love you." You murmured while facing him.

"I love you too." He replied. In two days, you would be back onto that battle field with Levi. Just like old times...

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